
Is Ekko OP?

He's strong.
Definitely not.
He's weak.

Author Topic: (]League of Legends[) - Ekko released!  (Read 163726 times)

I have done that before. Though I didnt feel too accomplished as all three of them dived into the tower for me...
Nah man you've gotta get it in their territory.

My best yasuo moment was a 1v4 that played out like a samurai movie, one at a time, it was great.

my best yasuo moment was a 2v5 penta but i didnt even get it my buddy on zed did but it was all me and i made sick plays yeah good times

also did a cool thing once where i started a fight got two q's in, then flashed over a wall and threw the tornado to where the enemy was, then immediately placed a ward over the wall to see it hit and ulted and got the kill

idk it was cool i felt pro
« Last Edit: June 12, 2015, 05:44:53 AM by Ticonderoga »

The trickiest part to Yasuo is knowing how and when to use his ult, and where and when to use a tornado. Yasuo is a good champion to learn since you can learn to time things for other champions, aka waiting for zhonyas, GA, etc.

I'll post a couple of really useful Yasuo tips if anyone is curious.

yas is easy
Darius is but you don't see any high level players playing him.
There's a fine line between easy and and played well.

Darius is good for me because people almost never play against him and don't know his kit from what I think, and hes not played by pros because hes kitable and doesn't have any gap closers

Darius is good for me because people almost never play against him and don't know his kit from what I think, and hes not played by pros because hes kitable and doesn't have any gap closers
So basically Darius is easy since in lower Elos people don't know how to play against him.

Darius is kind of easy to kite...just dot get in range of his snag.

yeah pretty much, sometimes you can do outrageous pulls from under their turret, also whenever I see a darius player they always do pull q w when they should Q first for the 50% bonus damage then pull and W

Darius' pull is pretty wonky. You can't cancel it by flashing iirc.

yas is easy
I think Yasuo is a case of being easy to play, but hard to learn.

Hes not the hardest champ in the game, but he definitely has a higher skill cap.

Darius' pull is pretty wonky. You can't cancel it by flashing iirc.
If you're in pull range when he presses e, you're getting pulled, no matter what.

if you pull right when they flash they get pulled no matter what, its like that darius penta fountain glitch that happened

Why are people in team builder so serious? It's normals. So what if I'm Diana support? Everyone leaves or kicked the second they see something that isn't in meta.

"wtf why arent u in meta you loving heretic"