
Is Ekko OP?

He's strong.
Definitely not.
He's weak.

Author Topic: (]League of Legends[) - Ekko released!  (Read 163978 times)

what kind of champ do you guys want next? i think i want either a new adc or a new jungler

I just had one of thopse games where I had 7 of those really close kills that made it look like I knew what I was doing as Xin.

She always was though.
I might be biased bc she's one of my favorite champs, but i rarely had a bad game with her while she was "the worst champ in the game."
I wouldn't say she was terrible, but she definitely wasn't the strongest before this buff. And apparently still isn't. Her winrate dropped two points into the lowest in the game at 41%
« Last Edit: June 26, 2015, 09:38:40 PM by Kaz »

AP tank Udyr jungle is fantastic

I wouldn't say she was terrible, but she definitely wasn't the strongest before this buff. And apparently still isn't. Her winrate dropped two points into the lowest in the game at 41%
If they reworked her spiderlings to do attack damage and be affected by attack speed then she would be so good with the new feral flare

If you play Blitz, have someone say you're afk at the start of the match, then sit in a bush and grab the support at the start of the lane, you're a loving starfish. Actually lets shorten that. If you play Blitz and think you aren't the cheapest stuff, you're an starfish.

« Last Edit: June 28, 2015, 02:56:39 AM by Stocking »

AP tank Udyr jungle is fantastic
Tried it, worked pretty well.
I don't play a lot of udyr, so it would have been great if I knew what I was doing. Thanks for the tip!

im going to say straight up that ekko is loving garbage after his last round of nerfs. i was playing him on my smurf in ranked and getting stuff on and then i just started playing lux:

and ended up getting gold without even trying. i cant even begin to play ekko in his current stuffty state. he still has a strong late game but his handicapped levels of squishiness and his pathetic early game damage, combined with his teeny tiny ult radius (thats like almost impossible to land on my 100ms connection since it glitches the clone so much) make him pretty bad.

AP tank Udyr jungle is fantastic
How do you build him after runeglaive?

How do you build him after runeglaive?
I get tear, then nashors, and then go full tank. I don't finish tear until last item though.

I went frozen heart instead of tear. Not regen, but it gives quite a bit flat out and that's enough for me.