
Is Ekko OP?

He's strong.
Definitely not.
He's weak.

Author Topic: (]League of Legends[) - Ekko released!  (Read 161267 times)

Oh how I love trolls in ranked. Free wins for me and my duo adc buddy.

Also getting really good at Thresh.

Every time i have a bad vayne game i just play vayne like 10 times in a row afterwards in normals to regain my confidence

The packet loss on NA is going to make me cry. Seemingly randomly, none of my abilities or mouse clicks will go through for a good 2 seconds and I'll either miss last hits or die. Riot really needs to fix their stuff for the East Coast.

crit damage runes on shaco is ridiculous lol

I don't think anyone else but ashe can run it since they can get guaranteed crits level 1

crit damage runes on shaco is ridiculous lol

I don't think anyone else but ashe can run it since they can get guaranteed crits level 1
You can be really cheesy and run them on Tryndamere because if you crit them once early, you win lane because the crit is literally 1/2 their hp

That strat is really all-in though because unless you crit them, you're better off running flat dmg, so you need to play really aggro in lane.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2015, 01:10:35 PM by Cappytaino »

I got kennen

Did something get changed with nasus?
I had a 900 stack game earlier and was barely doing any damage with my q, normally you can come real close to one shotting adc's at that point and I couldn't even half health him...
« Last Edit: July 02, 2015, 11:06:05 AM by Ticonderoga »

I got kennen

Did something get changed with nasus?
I had a 900 stack game earlier and was barely doing any damage with my q, normally you can come real close to one shotting adc's at that point and I couldn't even half health him...
did they have defensive items? did you have offensive items?

did they have defensive items? did you have offensive items?
I got a lw as my last item too see if it would help but didnt make much difference, and no cait had a ga

Lmfao I have a 75 game chat ban, 35 game ban from ranked, and three games left in a lower priority queue(aka wait ten minutes before starting the queue). I remember when this game wasn't full of pissbabies.

Lmfao I have a 75 game chat ban, 35 game ban from ranked, and three games left in a lower priority queue(aka wait ten minutes before starting the queue). I remember when this game wasn't full of pissbabies.

Jesus forgetin' christ

bronze 3 62 LP :D

that's the highest I've ever been

bronze 3 62 LP :D

that's the highest I've ever been

will boost 4 skinz