Author Topic: BossBattles - "Threat To Server"  (Read 12708 times)

but this is
im gonna fight, pecon.
i can prove that i did not do that.

id 26648 as "Tills" is used by my sister, I never went on that server under the name "Tills".

And I do not take any responsibility of what she does, shes older than me.

This, and the fact that I have absolutely no idea how to ddos

If Drunk Russian made this thread, he would've been ddosing it while replying.
I wanna bet that, pecon.

And just because the IPs of tills and I are the same

and drunk Russian's is completely different,
i beg your pardon.

I just seen the server with 10 people dude.
I don't want this.
 It's not right.

I'm going to leave the ban because there is still plenty of reason for him to not return, regardless of any affiliation with the attackers. He has a long history of bans and is not someone I wish to have on my server going forward.

pecon, no joke, the moment i saw this i snapped like a stick.
if I were so desperate to go on the server
i wouldn't do anything as bad as that in the first place
seriously, i love that server
and to be just blocked off from it
 is just like getting a new dog and your
   not allowed to see them for the rest of your life.

Or maybe getting that dog, It runs outside and gets hit by a truck in seconds. It's more like that.

Or maybe getting that dog, It runs outside and gets hit by a truck in seconds. It's more like that.
Reminds me of a animation i watched
expect the dog acutally got runned over by a train

Reminds me of a animation i watched
expect the dog acutally got runned over by a train

That seems better, The dog was killed by a train now. This is how you feel about the server, Your server dog thing got hit by a loving train.


That seems better, The dog was killed by a train now. This is how you feel about the server, Your server dog thing got hit by a loving train.

Killed by a train and ran over by a another train. RIP Server Dog~
*plays sad violin*

all bullstuff aside though
 I don't get why you still think I would do that.
If I really like the server, then the point in doing that is about as much as throwing a rock into a pile of rocks.
 Its useless.

jesus christ op it's not like you have been sentenced for death

it's just a server you dumbwit

jesus christ op it's not like you have been sentenced for death

it's just a server you dumbwit
Noedit: Even if you are Drunk Russian or prove otherwise, there will barely be anything happening until you start loving stuff up

daemon its because they've banned me for something I didn't do.

seriously, i love that server
and to be just blocked off from it
 is just like getting a new dog and your
   not allowed to see them for the rest of your life.
oh my god i got banned from a boring server that repeats exactly the same over and over again each and every round I CANT LIVE MY LIFE ANYMORE!!!

its not worth it fighting with people like you.
just wanting to belive what you want to.


You should have quit ages ago, but this post is still bumped.