Land's Pre-emptive Christmas avatar thread

Author Topic: Land's Pre-emptive Christmas avatar thread  (Read 1079 times)

oh yes gimmie gimmie i want a christmas avatar 3 months early

gotta be prepared.

good thing i have mine from 2 years ago since the avatar change thing is broken!

Just had to search christmas arnold and put a santa hat on him

Just had to search christmas arnold and put a santa hat on him
"I'll be back... with your presents!"

Do i look like i know what a jaypeg is?

It perfectly blends in with the rest of the picture.

I love it.

kinda wondering if i should reuse santa bunny from last year or make a new thing

If you do animated requests, that would be nice.
I'm so terrible at animations and sprites that I've never seasonalised my avatar, despite wanting to.

If you do animated requests, that would be nice.
I'm so terrible at animations and sprites that I've never seasonalised my avatar, despite wanting to.

Sad to say that i can't do animations, i really have no experience with them whatsoever.
Heck, Waterore's still image is already eating my time because of that aura it has around it

First request done
I'm pretty proud of this one

holy stuff this is awesome