Author Topic: Re: i got my first car today (zedrow lies)  (Read 6818 times)

why would someone just do that
go on the Internet and tell lies

..yeah duh thanks for the recap?
no I was calling bullstuff on how the events happened in order and how unlikely it would be.

why would someone just do that
go on the Internet and tell lies
they don't have anyone left in IRL to lie/brag to, so they go to the internet, hoping to fill the fact that they are complete stuffheads with fake praise

hey friend even if someone believes you, you are still the forgeter you are and earned nothing

Zedrow does this all the loving time on BL. Makes a story, makes another story. When you tell him he's lying he says he's not.
I can vouch this, really annoying.

guys look at my new shoes

That's cool just got an iPhone 6 today #swag

That's cool just got an iPhone 6 today #swag

bich dats notin compared to dis

just got it today, get on my level lol nig

yah know, I must say, the La Ferrari is bigger than I expected.

no ragrets
badspot going to kill me for this :(.

Final words: I forgot to resizeeeeeeeee.....

all yall weaklings on non-1920x1080p r total nerds, not even a pagestretch on my computer #lmao

so uh zedrow what kind of phone do you have