Author Topic: Ban Hammer (I did not make this)  (Read 8262 times)

I did not make this, I searched on blockland forum and I noticed its not there"I don't think it is.

Am I not allowed to do this?

Yeah, you should probably remove it.

Am I not allowed to do this?
The guy who posted the HMG earlier got flamed, just go look.

I mean what if OP includes credit to the maker or makers?

Idk, this is a giant grey area. If you got it from one of the RTB dumps, or if it IS there, you should remove it.

But idk why never hit off..

Wasn't the banhammer failbinned?

Wasn't the banhammer failbinned?
I have it and it didn't get CRC'd so I guess no.

Wasn't the banhammer failbinned?
Yea, it was.

This topic shouldn't exist.

I see exploits. This should be failed.

No one ever thought to remove the exploits then repost it?

If you see them why dont you tell us where so we can rewrite it.

How can we ignore this? What if its commented in the way? Please...Im reporting this to a mod