Author Topic: Blockland Awards: Little idea I had  (Read 3394 times)


The Blockland Awards are a little idea that popped into my head.

How to enter:
First, You have to be eligible to win any of these awards
  • Server of the Year
  • Best quote
  • Admin of the Year
  • Most Useful Addon
  • Most innovative project
  • Most hilarious topic
  • Best build based off a video or image
  • Best build based off a story
  • Most inspiring builder
Then, You post in the topic What you're running for, and a link to the topic it was posted in.
Next, I start a poll on an award. then the community votes on who they wish to win.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2014, 09:10:37 PM by EnjoyedBen2002 »

what about build of the year

what about build of the year

I think its part of the most innovating project.

Why no negative awards? I want to win award for most cringy

I also want to win the awards of the most serious person

Why no negative awards? I want to win award for most cringy
stop trying, I would win anyways

Why no negative awards? I want to win award for most cringy

Why no negative awards? I want to win award for most cringy
fishingjacob would win

We also need Best Drama
that would go under funniest thread or, if you mean the drama with best outcome, i will add it.

These seem to never work as nobody ever agrees on what determines the "best" of anything. It would be nice to see one get farther than just an idea though.

Either way, I have a nice trophy model Id be more than happy to submit as the "Block Award".
I'll get pictures when I get home.

I vote Furdle. Only 7 pages of drama.


Hey, I've got a lot more than that!