Author Topic: stuff that really loving ticks you off. V42069  (Read 11331 times)

people who get offended by someone's religion
people who think satanism means "satan worship"
people who are offended by others' loveuality
parents who say so much bullstuff when they dont know what their talking about

Ahh, the wankers spilt coffee all down the sides of the kitchen, just after it had actually been cleaned.
And then they decided to forget off and post about it on Facebook.

Meanwhile there are pools of cold sticky coffee everywhere, and it's gotten into cutlery draws.
I hate these loving cunts. Why can't they clean up after their goddamn selves?!

when a stoner songs ends at 4:21 or something, doesnt piss me off just bums me

People who just hurl their car into traffic forcing others to slow down.
People who drive slow and speed up after getting passed.
When my mom is trying to engage in conversation while I'm driving, especially when she's mad.
When my mom flips her lid because she doesn't like the sound that the turn signal makes.
When my mom freaks out when I stop at a red light, saying she should be the one driving apparently meaning it would be green if she were driving.
When either of my parents randomly shut down the internet when I'm in the middle of using it.
Illogical people or ideas
Dismissive people
People who constantly exhibit provoking or aggressive behavior.
Whenever I get scammed out of something important
Girls who won't do anything because a guy is around to do it for them.
"Smart" remarks, doesn't really bother me online though.
Wet socks
People who get unnecessarily angry over little things.
Whenever my family members eat my nacho cheese that I almost never get
   - This has to be the top one. Last time it happened, I had just gotten out the last treasured can of golden spicy heaven. I ate about 20% of it and refrigerated the rest and went downstairs. I came back up to find my brother eating the entirety of the remains. I didn't say anything and went back to my room. I was so mad that I was sweating, my veins were visibly throbbing right through my skin, and my face was hot. I hope this doesn't contradict the last statement that I made in this list.

you should throw them out
University halls of residence. I don't own the property. I just rent my own room from the university and we all have to share a kitchen.

People who get offended by things

When the rings of a ring file don't match up
When I tear off the toilet paper wrongly and half a square gets left behind
Flies, mosquitoes and other flying insects
maymays XDDDD
FNAF fanboys
tumblr vegans
feminational socialists
When a plastic bottle, filled with liquid and unopened, gets parts of the bottom crushed somehow so when I place it it just loving wobbles and tilts like some kind of leaning tower of Pisa
Whenever I can't eat some good-looking food thing (cakes, nutella, etc) because of allergies

I also loving hate the word 'bea'
The forget does it even mean?

People who try to enforce their political beliefs on everyone. They're similar to Catholics or Jehovah's witnesses.

thx bae


People who try to enforce their political beliefs on everyone. They're similar to Catholics or Jehovah's witnesses.

You can generalize this further to conclude that it's poor practice—just as a human—to forcefully impress your own ideas on others where it isn't welcome. I can understand the thought behind wanting a good debate/conversation on politics or religion, but the problematic situation arises when a party becomes close-minded and refuses to hear any view besides their own.

Smug faced people who think they are special or top stuff

People who think they are good looking means they can get away with stuff (it happens)

Backseat gaming, especially when the backseater is a bossy munchkin

Powergamers, but only if they try to force you into their playstyle

People who make huge walls of text just to say something simple (my friend does this alot)

My friend, he practically fits the last 3 and I got a huge list on him too

Wiggers/wanksters, white people who think they are some "ghetto gangsta yo" and live in some rich suburbs

Smartasses who think they know everything and dodge being called out.

GTA5, I do like the game but so sick of seeing videos and stuff of it

LPers that are trying to be pewdiepie or some minecraft player, honestly if you wanna make game videos fine but you're nothing more than pathetic sheep and lack original content, you could try something different.

A big list of LPers im sick of seeing or hearing about, thanks to Venturian Tale i cant browse the gmod workshop without seeing them popup.

This last one i hope doesnt spark something but i bet it will:

I really hate people who public bash religion, I understand if you hate it and all, fine if you want to but just to it at times when its appropriate alright? I had a hardcore, throat shoving athiest buddy and he'll sometimes just hate on it for no reason, fyi Im not religous or anything I just hate throat shoving, religion bashing starfishs like that.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2014, 03:53:12 PM by Frostbyte »