Author Topic: stuff that really loving ticks you off. V42069  (Read 11301 times)

1. School
2. Stupid kids in My Favoriten games
3. friends that type Like this:N00B Butch monday Cunt11!1!!1!1!1! and so on.
4. "Popular People"
5. AND (im more scared of them than i hate them but) BIRD PEOPLE (Especialy Flatyflyer 0___o)

expected to see a lot of this

the pay check i just got five minutes ago.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2014, 03:02:39 AM by Starkiller »

1. my health teacher
2. my health class
3. my health exam
4. this one girl at school who won't stop touching me/hanging on me, super uncomfortable
5. my health homework
6. not having job experience

probably the only thing that pisses me off is people taking no consideration for others

 People that insult, judge, and/or provoke others for killing them in a tdm/dm.

having to read all this and not enough pictures.

people misinterpreting furries as animalforgeters/fursuitforgeters
rape jokes
social justice warriors
pro-life activists
houndstooth patterns
people that think that they're robots when they're actually just autistic
people that think that their delusions are ok
people who think that child enthusiasm is ok I'M LOOKING AT YOU, ANIME GIRLS THREAD / EVERYONE WHO ASSOCIATES WITH THE KNOWN child enthusiastS ON THIS FORUM
people who think that bestiality is ok
small children who hold little roleplay conversations with themselves in comments
the fact that i kind of maybe want to be something that i hate but then if i accepted it i would be contradicting myself

4. this one girl at school who won't stop touching me/hanging on me, super uncomfortable
you should be glad a girl wants to touch you, it's a first

when furdle wants to come over to "watch a movie", the movie plays but its only background noise for what actually happens
just be honest and tell me you want to plow and fertilize my field

4. this one girl at school who won't stop touching me/hanging on me, super uncomfortable
Do you have a girl of your own? If not, just stick it in her pooper and be done with it. Unless she's ugly.

when people say something to the effect of 'hahahaha that was such a funny joke cmon guys laugh wasnt it funny best joke 2014' when you really:
a. weren't even trying to tell a joke in the first place, and were just trying to spark conversation
b. made a small, harmless and almost unnoticeable joke that they just HAD to notice because they HAD to be funnier than you

also this:
4. this one girl at school who won't stop touching me/hanging on me, super uncomfortable
when she's really only looking to tease you, already has a boyfriend and pretty much does this to absolutely everyone anyway

FNAF and it's fanbase
Minecraft's fanbase
Most YouTuber's fanbase If you haven't though of PewDiePie and his fanbase already, there's something wrong with you.
The "Popular People"
Bronies that try to spread their pony stuff like a disease (I'm OK with the bronies that don't talk to me about it on a regular basis)
Long car rides; that is, unless I am driving
Clingy girls
My brother

That's all I can think of right now.

Do you have a girl of your own? If not, just stick it in her pooper and be done with it. Unless she's ugly.

No, that's exactly what I did, and that's (probably) why she's hanging on me.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2014, 06:47:33 PM by Rally »