Author Topic: Blockhead's Ruin Xmas ports  (Read 1098 times)

is it possible to port the addons from the gamemode Blockhead's Ruin Christmas? (the items and emitters)
and maybe make a Santa bot? I was thinking about making a new "map" for the gamemode but I was wondering if I could use those.

Easy but it's not needed in order to make a new map. Santa "spawns" the presents, and the scripts spawn Santa iirc.

It would be cool to chuck coal at people.
The mod should get it's items and other things extracted.

I would also want the add ons,
the santa bot
a coal item
a bigger snowball (the one in the gamemode looks beautiful)

Or maybe the ability to make new maps for the gamemode?

even a hat extra Santa's Beard and Hat i mean what the forget? they didint even put it in or is it going to be for the next update.