Author Topic: If you could punch/slap/kick 3 forrumers who would they be?  (Read 4431 times)


Punch; Emo Freak

Slap; Emo Freak

Kick; Furdle

i'd hurt twerky so hard :^)


I'd punch tenshi
I'd slap cheezballer
I'd kick myself
« Last Edit: November 09, 2014, 07:53:29 PM by NML Cygni »

There are a couple people I'm surprised didn't mention me

stab emo freak 60 times and twist the knife around a little

For my three:

Personally I'd rather see people get banned than physically hurt.

myself on all three because I love you all :)

myself on all three because I love you all :)
You should see a doctor about your self hatred

You should see a doctor about your self hatred
no I like myself but others are good too yknow

electrk again

Peace in our time.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2014, 09:26:59 PM by Harm94 »

does nobody know that that link is meant to lead to your own profile? i hope you guys were being sarcastic.

does nobody know that that link is meant to lead to your own profile? i hope you guys were being sarcastic.