Author Topic: Weapon: Cash Bag v.2 - 20% More Cash!  (Read 7198 times)

What is the cash bag? Its a big o' bag of cash thats what it is!!
Go ahead stranger, don't be afraid, this here can be your cash
Take it with you! In hand, or on your back if your on-the go
 $$$(if ya know what I mean)$$$

Steal it - Players drop the cash bag when they die!
Pass it - Popo on ya? Toss that cashbag to a buddy!
Fight with it - Beat up players with that heavy bag o' cash!
*Includes Money Emitter to make you feel rich*

Special Thanks:
ChocoboPah - Help with the cash bag dropping upon death
You can use VCE for this and another event called "ifItemInHand or ifItemInSlot"
Downloads Here and Here
The events are basic:
Code: [Select]
onPlayerTouch > self > ifItemInHandSlot > <item>
onVariableTrue > client > bottom print > You returned the cash!
onVariableTrue > player > removeItem > cashBag
onVariableTrue > player > incScore > 2
onVariableTrue > player > changeDataBlock > <playertype default> (removes from backslot)
You will also need the removeItem event for this found Here

« Last Edit: November 23, 2014, 04:25:51 PM by Goth77 »

i cannot wait to beat people to death with a big bag o' cash

We can make some excellent game modes with this.
EDIT: Put some events that detect and remove the bag when placed on a brick.

Specifically, an OnMoneDetected as an iput and DespawnMone as an output.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2014, 11:21:33 PM by The Subject »

We can make some excellent game modes with this.
EDIT: Put some events that detect and remove the bag when placed on a brick.

Specifically, an OnMoneDetected as an iput and DespawnMone as an output.
I have thought about this. For detecting if you have the cashBag in your hand you could use VCE..
but I like the idea of having an ifHasCash event on the player, and a removeCashBag event

I have thought about this. For detecting if you have the cashBag in your hand you could use VCE..
but I like the idea of having an ifHasCash event on the player, and a removeCashBag event

Please make this. It would make an excellent cops n robbers gamemode.

Hot damn, I was thinking of making a heist video, but didn't know how to get a bag of cash. You have answered my prayers, sir.

A day in the life of badspot

Ill work on this tomorrow guys its nap time for me