
you go to school

grade school
5 (6.8%)
high school
55 (74.3%)
9 (12.2%)
5 (6.8%)

Total Members Voted: 74

Author Topic: So what does your average school day look like  (Read 3216 times)

Get up somewhere between 6:20 and 8:00 AM.
Go eat breakfast and take a shower.
Do school until my mom calls me for lunch or I get hungry.
Continue working on school.
Eat dinner ~6:00 PM.
Finish school if I'm not done.
Get on the computer ~8:00 PM.
Go to bed around 10:20-10:45 PM.

This is Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I have quite the different schedule on Thursdays, and an online class on Tuesdays at noon, and I have somewhere to go on Tuesdays, in which I leave at 5:40 PM and get back around 9:40 PM.

Such is the life of a homeschooler.

6:30 - wake up
9:00 - school
3:00 - go home

6:30 - wake up
9:00 - school
3:00 - go home
but how do you wake up if you don't sleep
you didn't specify!!!!!

but how do you wake up if you don't sleep
you didn't specify!!!!!
Maybe he just has an epiphanic mental awakening every morning.

My schedule changes depending on the day, but here was today:

Wake up around 9 am
Leave apartment, grab breakfast at dining hall
Go to physics lecture
Walk back home to chill for lunch
Head to theater lecture
Grab more food
Put a couple hours in on the film research study I'm a part of
Go home
Play new binding of isaac for way too long
Do some school assignment stuff
Post on BLF

I'll do one day in great detail.

Wednesday (Business Studies):

5:30AM: Wake up half off the bed after almost thinking my alarm noise was part of my dream. Fall off completely, and trip over all my LEGO as I get to the light switch. Get my computer, put on my slippers and get to the kitchen. Leave the computer to turn on while I make my breakfast (Honey Tea and Toast) and take a piss. Eat breakfast while checking emails, Facebook, YouTube etc.
6:00AM: Have a nice warm shower, followed by cutting myself over and over while shaving. Complain about the two tiny hairs near one of my nostrils I can never shave off. Get changed while watching YouTube videos. Spend 10 minutes deciding if I want to wear a normal beanie or my Ratchet hat. Beg Dad for cash-money for the bus. Make the bed.
7:30AM: Walk to the local mall. After nearly freezing to death due to the cold temperatures of the morning, I take another leak. Drag myself to the newsagents, and get a weekly bus ticket and some throat candies.  Hurry up to the bus stop, and get my ticket marked off by the inspectors. Swear profusely as I watch the bus I wanted to get drive off, and sit waiting for another one.
8:00AM: Sit on a dirty bus next to old people. Usually I'll play on my PSP Vita, and occasionally look up and watch everybody else watching me.
9:00AM: Arrive at North Sydney. Run through all the pedestrian traffic and climb up 2 flights of stairs to avoid being late for class. Get in class, and talk to the people in my group for the big assessment for this class. Spend next couple of hours going on Facebook, BLF, doing assessments etc while teacher rattles off stuff.
12:00PM: Get some lunch, find all the powerpoints in class turned 'On' which annoys me. Turn them all off, prepare for another couple of hours of tedium.
4:00PM: End of class. Quickly finish off homework task so it's out of the way. Leave the building.
4:30PM: After rushing to the train station, run to the end of the platform to get on one of the emptier cars. Spend sometime dancing to my music, then get on the train and text my friends over my various annoyances from the day.
5:00PM: Get to the station. Start playing my game "How fast can I get to the traffic lights, adding a minute for every person I touch". Beat my record and feel a little satisfaction. Wait at the lights as I see my bus go by. Sprint after it, but it drives off. Wait patiently for the next one as I laugh alongside the bus inspectors who I've become friendly with.
5:15PM: Get on the bus home, this time standing up. Cramped all the way to my lungs, yet still playing with my Vita. Occasionally I look at other people and make idle conversation.
6:15PM: Arrive at Towers, the local shopping centre. Immediately start walking home while constantly scanning for bogans and CIA forgeters. Almost get run over by at least 2 cars.
6:30PM: Arrive home. Cook my own dinner while reading BLF and watching British TV on YouTube. Stuff my face with as much bacon bits as I can for desert, while casually trying to tell myself to write the article I'm getting paid to write that was due last week.
12:00AM: Finally get tired; brush my teeth, set my LEGO Darth Vader Alarm Clock. Turn light off and fall into my bed. Stay away for the next hour as I desperately gasp for air (some medical condition I think) before eventually passing out.

I'm totally loving normal.

5:10 AM : Wake up
5:30 AM : get on the computer
6:00 AM:  make some pancakes
7:00 AM: shower, brush teeth
7:30 AM: begin to get ready, get on computer again
7:55 AM: get out to walk to school
8:30 AM: Biology, i do homework i forgot to do here
9:30 AM: Geometry, favorite class
10:30 AM: lunch(i usually just eat a sandwich)
11:30 AM: 10th lit/comp (boring, but still doing well for some reason.)
12:30 PM: graphics 2
1:30 PM: social studies (i always have fun in these)
2:30 PM: computer science principles
3:30 PM: go home
6:00 PM: eat
10:00 PM: sleep & repeat.

9:30-10:10: Practice
10:10-10:20: break
10:20-12:00: Practice
I didn't even bring my backpack.

1st: Orchestra Chamber  8:15-9:05
2nd: G/T English 9:10-10:05
3rd: Spanish 1B 10:10-11:00
4th: U.S. History 11:05-12:30 (Lunch 11:35-12:00)
5th: Pre AP Algebra 12:35-1:25
6th: Science 1:30-2:20
7th: Art 2:25-3:15

My 6th and 7th will be switched around next week

6:30 first alarm
7:10 actually wake up
8:00 classes start

8:05 to 8:55mathsgeographyenglishTIC*maths
9:05 to 9:55mathsphysicsmathsfrenchart/music**
10:05 to 10:55biologyromanianromanianromanianfrench
11:10 to 11:55sportinfo-t***chemistryapplic.****romanian
12:05 to 12:55chemistrybiologyapplic.****logic*****TIC*
13:05 to 14:50/55physics******applic.****historyenglish
14:05 to 14:50religion*x7physics
* the technology of information and communication, lots of bullstuff mostly about hardware
** alternates every week
*** theoretical informatics - here to teach us the exact same stuff we already learned like a month ago in applications
**** applications - learning C++ stuff, mostly just algorythms for now
***** logic and argumentation - the second most useless class in the history of ever
****** - hard to name, basically involves our class' headteacher coming to tell us stuff
******* - orthodox religion, hands down the most useless class in the history of the universe

14:00/15:00 come back from school
14:00 -- 15:30 eat lunch
15:30 to 18:30 do jack stuff and sometimes also homework
18:30 -- 19:30 eat dinner
19:30 to midnight or so: do homework and sometimes also jack stuff

4:30am wake up, make coffee
5:30 - 8am richard around on forums and twitter or whatever
9-12 programming
12-4pm chores/more programming
4pm - 6pm richard around on forums and twitter or whatever
7pm have dinner and chill until I go to bed around 8-10pm depending on the night.

Oh hey look at that I don't have a school day anymore :I

5:15 - Wake up first time, eat, do whatever. Go back to sleep.
~7:00 - Actually get dressed, wait for the bus. Freeze my ass of waiting for the bus.
~7:25 - Bus comes, my stop is the last stop.
~7:35 - Be allowed to get off the bus, grab my stuff from my locker that doesn't lock.
8:00 - 8:55 - Realize I had homework last night in Biology
~9:00 to 9:45 - Actually do work in study hall. Listen to music and forget I had work.
9:48 to 10:40ish - Fall asleep over reading material in English
10:40 to whenever - Actually fall asleep in Geometery, ignore lessons, still get a good grade
11 whenever to 12:30 - Lunch
12:35 to 1:40ish - French Class
1:40ish to 2:30 - Run miles in gym alongside hardasses and seniors who failed gym.

I'm in school from 8:15-3:35(9:05-3:35 on Wednesdays)
Acedemic opportunities  (study hall)
U.S history
Algebra connections
Environmental science

wake up
zug zug

Wake up
Go to school
Use the bathroom
Play smash with friends
More smash.
Make copies then play more smash.
Principles of Engineering
Go home and play more smash video games.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2014, 11:13:41 AM by Legodude77 »