
Do you like Heli-copters? Especially RC Heli-copters?

Yay! Now I can hit people with RC Heli's!
Great, more amusement.
This add-on is fine....
I hate this add-on, whoever made it sucks.
Just post more, no one cares!

Author Topic: The RC Heli-Copter (Made by Marble)  (Read 8605 times)

RC Heli-Copter!
Ever wanted a remote control helicopter before?
Now you can have one like everyone else!
Just spawn a RC as an item, or use the add-on.
I recently posted, Item Spawning!

Screen Shots

Note: This is not my add-on.
It is a repost for users who can't find it!
  • /ClearRCBots - Clears RC Helicopters
« Last Edit: November 13, 2014, 08:29:22 AM by KuraiLink »

You did remove any back doors, right?

You did remove any back doors, right?
There are no back doors in this.

Could you please stop reposting every add-on you find?

This stuff was not even on the rtb archives and it was abandoned.

He did a good job reposting this addon.

Made by MARBLE_MAN i think

Yes it was made by Marble Man, but these things aren't on the forums or any rtb archive i've seen. So I would like to help people get them, if you want me to stop, just leave a comment and i'll stop posting these lost add-ons. If you want me to keep posting addons, leave a comment of an add-on you might suggest.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2014, 06:17:31 PM by KuraiLink »

I actually support this, they're lost add-ons.
As long as you remove any backdoors you may find, since Marble Man has a past rep of backdooring the things he makes, it'll be great.

There are no screenshots.

Screenshots will be included soon, there's been issues....

i googled 'blockland rc helicopter' and found the EXACT same download in one of the first results, it's not lost if you can find it with a simple google search, which i'm assuming is all you did.

« Last Edit: November 16, 2014, 08:19:31 PM by Obliviongate20 »

Actually, this is what you'll see. https://www.google.com/search?sourceid=chrome-psyapi2&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS607US607&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8&q=Blockland%20RC%20Helicopter Giving you no clue where to find it in one search. Most of them are request or vehicles.

Actually, this is what you'll see. https://www.google.com/search?sourceid=chrome-psyapi2&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS607US607&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8&q=Blockland%20RC%20Helicopter Giving you no clue where to find it in one search. Most of them are request or vehicles.

if no one thought to click on the 'Why is the RC Helicopter broken?' posted in april then i don't think they should even be on a computer, or are incredibly high / drunk. this isn't lost and it's literally the second link to come up. posting old add-ons is cool and all but unless you have to dig it out from somewhere incredibly obscure (i.e., some old 2006 add-on site, not on the blockland forums) you shouldn't bother posting it. thought it is a bit more out of reach, this is basically the same as the airstrike topic rainbow scratch made.

Posting old add-ons or add-ons no one has thought or remebered is a way to help new players. If someone just bought Blockland, they wouldn't have a clue on how to find it. So reposting a lost add-on helps them.