Author Topic: Zix's Randomizer DM! [BACK UP!]  (Read 37339 times)

also i did not know that the spiral rocket actually goes through goddamn walls

I have a suggestion. I'm wondering if the server could have an AFK Kicker to work alongside the killer. I noticed while I was on last night that being killed by the killer counted as a Self Delete and decreased the player's score by one every round that they were taken by it. I watched a guy go from 4 points to -37 and I think that a player should just be auto kicked after 3-5 rounds of inactivity.

Could falling damage be turned off? I've died about 4-5 times by just using the shockwave. I've also seen another guy die by falling off of a building using a minigun to push him.

Could falling damage be turned off? I've died about 4-5 times by just using the shockwave. I've also seen another guy die by falling off of a building using a minigun to push him.
Falling damage is annoying, but it can make rounds go by faster.

Could falling damage be turned off? I've died about 4-5 times by just using the shockwave. I've also seen another guy die by falling off of a building using a minigun to push him.
Get socks m8.
Seriously though any weapon you want to rocket jump with just get socks if you're afraid of dying.

Why is the server not up? it's not
well it was up when I made my last post and like 3 hours after that. I guess it shut down again.

Please make this dedicated server dedicated <3

my points were reset for some reason. last night I had 410 and now it's at 0. other people didn't lose their points. can mine be set back to 410?