CTRL+V Game v5

Author Topic: CTRL+V Game v5  (Read 70523 times)

To milk, I told family died out along with the People's Republic of China for three weeks. We're here, we see a lot of cities, including Shanghai, Hong Kong, Beijing, serene, and so on. Among them, Tianjin, one of my favorites. I also like Beijing, but it is too busy. My mother the high number of people in Beijing supermarkets playing my loved ones! To whom China depends on Beijing, it is China's capital and center.

My brother a few years level. He has many hobbies include playing basketball and Lahti fresh. Not only this hobby, and he liked to go to school. But his favorite history lesson. In the city he had written about China's Zhang. I told her sling should be used because he has a very long history, so it is easier to have a lot of palm. If he has a problem, I can help him!

My brother and I learned to simplified Chinese. I studied literature in four years, I think his voice than mine with a good tone. Chinese little man because the word, spelling, grammar, tone composition, so different than English and therefore with a lot of blood because the pronunciation is likely the same, but the meaning is very different. Now, I do not take the Chinese why not go empty child is gone for three days. Today, the students told us another exam next week, so I should be open to review!
nice google translating

Eila Ilmatar Juutilainen