Hey guys since the new pokemon came out I decided to dust off the 3ds my sis been using.
The thing is not booting up. Putting in the charger only shows the led indicator for charging for about 3 seconds and then goes back off.
If I press the power button before the charging led turns off, the blue power led briefly blinks once for about 200 milliseconds and then proceeds to not do anything.
So I asked my sis about it and she said it took a while for it to load the menu hub thingy. The last time she used it was a few months ago in the summer.
So I look at the back of the thing and there's this:
I'm not exactly sure what those yellow things do and im also not sure if that gunk there is what's causing the problem.
If it is then it would be great if you could tell me how to clean it
otherwise, I was wondering if I should take off the screws and take a look inside. But after that I have really no idea what to do after that