Author Topic: Bushido is acting very childish  (Read 17837 times)

Then how is Tezuni "a cool guy to talk to" if they're bother super childish and stubborn?
I'm referring to a situation just where if you're hanging out or talking to him casually. Not in an environment like on his server.
this is only scratching the surface, but if you look into his posts you'll notice that bushido will break out the forgetin dissertation at any moment. he's rant on demand. it's nuts.

bushido rants by far crack me up beyond reason

the brown townogies used as example materials and fanatical presentation of perspective always leave me with a terrible smirk just by the way he throws the topic into place, directly hammers down his points, and then composes the rest however he wants because hes bushido

its as if everything turns into some bad ass over the top comedy event from what i read; bushido out duking just about everyone with his hot mess method of describing

im not sure if his tier tactical background adds to the impression that hes literally always in the thick of battle while brewing up these beauties, but i always picture his wise crack self at the peak of some wonky pagoda sniping down on these topics 1 after another-its great

way of the warrior personified no doubt about it
i seriously just want a book from this guy about how he would handle everything forever
its an equivalent to stand up comedy

Bushido is doing his own job as a admin. You know admins aren't always nice right? You cant just complain about every little thing just because he banned you for a good reason. I think Bushido is a great admin in my opinion even if he bans me or mutes me. That's my opinion.

Bushido is doing his own job as a admin. You know admins aren't always nice right? You cant just complain about every little thing just because he banned you for a good reason. I think Bushido is a great admin in my opinion even if he bans me or mutes me. That's my opinion.
i dont think you are making it clear enough how much you are riding his rooster

could you kiss any more ass

yeah, but it would be a biohazard  b)))))

ok so like

like first i'm being completely nonsarcastic when i say that i thought this was the absolute best thing that could have possibly come from this whole drama thing but still have to know, can someone explain to me the like trio of guys who dropped in on the randomizer server to tell me im a badmin

like some guy named MC block-o and another guy named notorious BRICK showed up (which are awesome names, good job)

like they showed up and were like YO HAVE YOU HEARD THE NEWS and i was like 'what news' and one goes THE NEWS and i go 'the tezuni thing or the bim thing' and he goes I DUNNO, THAT and i go 'are you asking me about the news or are you telling me the news' and he goes IM ASKING and i go 'ok so' and i quickly relate that theres controversy over whether or not i should have banned tez the instant he showed up or whether i should have waited for him to do some dumb thing and he goes


and the server collectively goes 'no' or 'what' or 'who'

and they start rapping


and like i mute him instantly cause my first reaction is theres obviously nothing anyone is going to gain from this until i realize they have a script - like, lyrics- written and the notorious brick starts going on his line and i instantly mute him too before thinking 'wait, what the forget'

'this is the greatest thing ever, what is happening'

and instantly unmute both of them and just let them continue and it turns out they either had only the first two lines of the song written (which is also hilarious in a completely different way) or me muting them broke their macros and they were bots and the server instantly switches from 'ferghuson ferghuson ferghuson, ferghuson ferghuson' to 'wait, that was the most stylish thing i've ever seen.' and like the entire server starts trying to get them to continue and some people are like 'you know they should probably be muted because technically they are just continuing a ridiculous conflict' and theres another faction like 'nO, NO, THIS IS THE SICKEST THING IMAGINABLE LET EM KEEP GOING' and the server is like chanting their forgetin names n stuff and notorious block leaves and comes back under another name and starts the song again before realizing his partner has also left, but hasn't returned, so the second lyric just hangs for like a minute before hes like 'no but for real you shoulda waited before bannin him though' and just drops the mic and disconnects on the spot

like WHAT



was that something? like was that a deliberate play, like did someone send em to send a message? was it tez? was it just some guys who don't like me and wrote a song about how much they don't like me within the space of a day? were they like just wandering troubadours who had the song written but hadn't had a chance to use it before this conflict started, and swooped in like sick OG vultures and just swapped out all the proper nouns? were they wandering troubadours who had the song written but hadn't had a chance to use it and just happened to show up to a server in the middle of a conflict that they didnt know about?

like it registers to me- and this is almost certainly paranoia but if it's not that's hysterical and amazing and i love that this is the current environment cause it's so forgetin goofy oh my god- like tez has got this group of like, goons, that he sends to servers he doesn't like. but not like, like national socialist death squad 'rrrr we the bads fear us we'll murder your stuffs' goons as much as they are like dragon ball- not dragon ball Z, but like the original dragon ball where goku's like 6 and bulma turned into a carrot or something that one time- goons where they're just guys with some ridiculous gimmick who are like WE ARE TENACIOUS B AND WE WILL DESTROY YOU, BUSHIDO, IN THE HONOR OF LORD TEZUNI AND THE TEZ RIBBON ARMY WITH OUR AMAZING RAP MUSIC




or it could be that people on the server are honestly disliking the way you administrate?
like, 10 permabans in 2 days compared to the rest of the admins having only a few over the course of the entire server. the forget man

or it could be that people on the server are honestly disliking the way you administrate?
like, 10 permabans in 2 days compared to the rest of the admins having only a few over the course of the entire server. the forget man
Oh my god I am so behind on my status quo....

2 guys for flagrant like 'let's actively crowd the server' spamming (who are unbanned cause wrapper is quite vehement that we just mute them, which i feel is too little) ((as opposed to 'i'm upset, let's briefly clog the server with like 3 nonsense messages' spam)), 2 for consistently trollin people in the same vein as bim, 1 who is bim, 1 who is tezuni, 2 guys who are the aforementioned rappers

(who exist, i swear)

and 1 guy for ddosing

2 guys for flagrant like 'let's actively crowd the server' spamming (who are unbanned cause wrapper is quite vehement that we just mute them, which i feel is too little) ((as opposed to 'i'm upset, let's briefly clog the server with like 3 nonsense messages' spam)), 2 for consistently trollin people in the same vein as bim, 1 who is bim, 1 who is tezuni, 2 guys who are the aforementioned rappers
Why not just mute them then? If all they do is spam messages, muting them fixes that problem.
Respect the server host man, it's his server, not yours.

bushido thinks hes funny

You seriously beg Bushido for examples of your behavior however you keep showing him that very behavior in this topic and the one you made.

Please stop being such a unnecessary starfish.