Author Topic: Silly Silly Silly  (Read 3518 times)

50k ids are from like autumn 2013. sorry for correction, but im a 42k and i joined in april of last year
no they aren't, I have a 40k and it is from august 2012

no they aren't, I have a 40k and it is from august 2012
november and 39k

no they aren't, I have a 40k and it is from august 2012

I don't know much about dates (and it has probably been going for a long time now), but the 40k and 50k IDs were (maybe still are) sold at the same time, with 40ks being from and 50ks being from Amazon.

why aren't drama topics lockable, what has caused this.

why aren't drama topics lockable, what has caused this.
The world may never know.

50k ids are from like autumn 2013. sorry for correction, but im a 42k and i joined in april of last year
then how come on steam summer sale 2013 we got 100+ker's

then how come on steam summer sale 2013 we got 100+ker's
« November 28, 2014, 06:42:52 AM »

god damnit i always browse old threads and then reply to them after forgetting they are old

god damnit i always browse old threads and then reply to them after forgetting they are old
silly silly silly

why aren't drama topics lockable, what has caused this.
Some time, long long ago, well a few years back there was someone who kept editing their drama posts to cover up what they did, given this is drama it wasn't wanted so the modify ability was removed. I guess lockability went too.

He's just having fun...

I was looking for servers and saw a Server called "Desert Survivel" <-- literal name so I joined just to see how bad it'd be

Don't make a drama about stuffty servers you expected to be stuffty.

Don't make a drama about stuffty servers you expected to be stuffty.
26 November 2014, 19:10:16