Author Topic: Silly Silly Silly  (Read 3516 times)

 I was looking for servers and saw a Server called "Desert Survivel" <-- literal name so I joined just to see how bad it'd be. I proceeded to get run over and killed by the owner and another person not to mention the server was very Laggy.

His BL_ID was about 6000-7000 larger then mine so he was very new.

This was the build were I spawned

Driving around like this, Note the gun

Drama is used for much more pressing matters, like bans or abuse.

Did you really just make a drama out of someone running a server

Why is this in drama exactly?

NOTE: I meant to put this in Off-topic I clicked wrong thing, well, crap....

Why is this in drama exactly?

Technically, it should go here.

Quote from: Drama Subject Rules
How tribal/offensive/noobish certain users are

NOTE: I meant to put this in Off-topic I clicked wrong thing, well, crap....
That would still be in the wrong section.

also, a 50k id isn't "very new". That ID is at least 2 years old.

Technically, it should go here.

NOEDIT: It shouldn't go here, the host running the server didn't do anything wrong.

I think its bullstuff how Drama is being filled with garbage like this. IMO, it should only be used for situations like Betel's autistic rampages, or the leaking of keys.

That would still be in the wrong section.

also, a 50k id isn't "very new". That ID is at least 2 years old.
50k ids are from like autumn 2013. sorry for correction, but im a 42k and i joined in april of last year

Drama is used for much more pressing matters, like bans or abuse.

Did you really just make a drama out of someone running a server
the fact that you used "pressing matters" at all on this website makes me really upset lol

I feel like servers like this give Blockland a bad rep.

I feel like servers like this give Blockland a bad rep.
I feel like posts like this give the game a bad reputation. Seriously, drama for a crappy server? This is a damn lego game, of course there would be immature and bad servers. This is like going up to a little kid on the beach, stomp on their little sandcastle and tell them to stop making the beach look bad with their crappy sandcastles.
I joined just to see how bad it'd be.
So you joined a server you expected to be bad, only so you can bitch about it?
forget off.

Also, So you joined a server you expected to be bad, only so you can bitch about it?
forget off.