Author Topic: Idea Dump  (Read 1213 times)

Here are some ideas I've written down but never got a chance to do anything with. Take 'em. Post your own.

2 generals are selected (randomly/elected) and the rest are troops. The generals are locked in rooms in their own bases. The troops' objective is to infiltrate the other teams base and (kill the other general / steal the flag / capture the base). The twist is that both generals get to use a camera that has an overhead view of the entire battlefield. Use strategy and teamwork to outmaneuver the opponent.

Save the princess
Knights compete to be the first to climb the tower and save the princess.

One guys is playing Tetris while also trying to kill the players on the Tetris board. Most likely needs to be combined with rising lava (since you can't actually smush players...) and the players will need to be able to break blocks to prevent unfair trapping. (This idea is the most farfetched...)

The opposite of a death run where it is the operator's (angel's?) job to get as many people to the end as possible.

Life and Death run (Purgatory run?)
Combination of Deathrun and Liferun where the demons try to kill as many people as possible and the angels try to save as many people as possible.

Zombie Controller
One person sends waves of zombies to kill the players. Each round they get more credits than the last round and they purchase waves. Ex:
  • 5 credits the 1st round can purchase a wave of 3 zombies.
  • 10 credits the 2nd round can purchase 2 waves of 3 zombies or 1 wave of fast zombies

Assassinate the Vip
One team has to kill the vip, but they don't know who it is. The other team must work together (and give their life if they have to) to protect the vip until the chopper arrives. Bots will be thrown in to add confusion.

Possession TDM
Ghosts vs Ghost hunters (Ghostbusters?). When a ghost kills a player they can take possession of their body and try to murder some more people. Possessed players will have tell-tale signs such as stopping randomly, head turning, spinning, avatar face changing, light flashing, etc.
Bots available for possession.

A 3 team prison escape: Hostages, Terrorists, SWAT Team. The hostages are held in a room inaccessible to the terrorists (to prevent immediate deaths) and the swat team must infiltrate, free the hostages, and get at least one hostage to the extraction point.

That's all I got. Feel free to post your own.

nobody's done anything with this since I first posted it
link from the image

I like your ideas, and I was having an idea for like a Tournament server where you can win money.
You gotta pay like $1 to sign up for the tourney, and then all the collected money from all the users becomes the winning money. So the more people who sign up, the more money the winners get.

I'm already doing the zombie control thing except I used bot_dinosaurs :P

Also don't have the purchase wave thingy