Author Topic: If you made a computer virus, what would it's name and symptoms/effects be?  (Read 3889 times)


Name: DarkFX.A
  • Disables regedit, Task Manager, cmd, and other system tools.
  • Disables and kills firewalls, antiviruses, & Windows Defender
  • Contacts host, allows host to take control of PC
  • Keylogs PC
  • Encrypts the following files: doc, docx, docm, dotx, dotm, docb, xls, xlt, xlm, xlsm, xltm, ppt, pptx, pptm, jpg, jpeg, png, pneg, gif
  • Hides the following files: mp3, mp4, mpeg, ogg, avi, mov
  • Digs through browser cookies and password managers for account passwords, then transmits them to host
  • If bank account exists, transfer money to host
  • If steam account exists, transfer items to host if host's Steam account is added to the virus
  • Installs heavy amounts of rogues and other trojans, worms, and other items from host PC
  • At 12:00 AM on the Monday of every week, the following message displays: [Guess you aren't getting work done today. - Infected by DarkFX - Created by 743 4057]
  • Cracks network and infects any computers connected to network
  • Spreads via drive by USB, CD/DVD-R, or network
  • Sends following email to people on contacts:
Code: [Select]
New virus called Trj.RATfromhell is spreading! It is highly dangerous, and can take control of your PC! Please download the following ZIP file and use the executable inside to scan your PC for the virus!
(File name:
  • On Janurary 1st, of any year, payload activates, and all DLL, EXE, INI, BIN, and SYS files. Recovery partition, if it exists, is formatted.
  • When booted after payload, this appears:

Severity: Very High
Purpose: Mainly to hack general PCs or work networks. Half RAT, half Trojan virus.

How evil would yours be?

Name: Blackmail

Purpose: Record all history even when using Incognito/Private browsing sessions.
Find significant people in Contact lists. Send them proof that friend is utter creepwad. Probably through facebook.

i would make it turn on the camera on someones laptop or exterior webcam and take a picture of their face and make it the desktop wallpaper
itd be called screenstuffter.monday

mine woulod be called thestuffter.troll and it would change every icon to a troll face and delete system 32


Sets homepages of browsers to Blockland Forums.
Won't let you go to other pages.

The Betelgeuse: Changes all PNG, JPEG, Bitmap, and any other image files to random images from /b/

I'd also make the virus that infected the Compy 386.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2014, 04:03:37 AM by the hacker »


It would replace every letter "a" on a web page with the word "ass"
But since "ass" has an "a" in it it would result in an infinite loop eventually causing your browser to crash due to ass overload.

replaces all system icons with pictures of pants


Randomly disconnects USB devices, closes windows/browser tabs (including non-active ones), move files to other folders, renames files to Untitled, swaps the names of two files of the same type, and other subtle forgetery.

Not made to actually cause severe damage - though there could be work loss - just to be obnoxious. Infect someone you don't like.

Adobe Updater

Causes your Adobe Flash Player to always be out of date and forces it to install updates every time you use any Adobe program.

Adobe Updater

Causes your Adobe Flash Player to always be out of date and forces it to install updates every time you use any Adobe program.
I don't think you need a virus for that.

Adobe Flushplayer

Gets rid kf files, like notes and games.
Detects for anything to transfer money from.
Makes headphones buzz indefinitely, like when a phone goes near it.
Detects webcame, then takes pictures and videos.

a backdoor where I could access and manipulate the files and cameras of the computer
I also want it to work on a phone

I want to be Aiden Pearce
« Last Edit: November 30, 2014, 04:26:50 AM by Maxwell. »

A passive-aggressive virus that locks down your computer during particular holidays and New Years' with the screen "Go out and have fun." and it would integrate itself into the Kernel or boot or something.
I would use it for myself.
I am very lonely.

You can make your own cool viruses like this at

« Last Edit: November 30, 2014, 04:34:24 AM by Cca^n »