Chemicals in THC do actually change the chemical structure of your cells, which might make them cancerous.
The most long term effect THC has on our cells is when it binds to our fat cells. There is no proven link between cannabinoids and cancer.
When you get high, what does the body do to stop you from being high? Get rid of the inhaled chemicals through the liver and kidneys, increased liver and kidney function in the long term leads to liver and kidney disease.
No more than drinking too much has on the same thing. Consistent smoking might do that, but smoking once or twice a week is no more dangerous than drinking beer just as often.
i don't know if THC is actually a toxin, and it may not be, but smoke is loving smoke
it'll harm your lungs no matter what you're smoking
THC is only toxic is very high doses. Vaporizing is a great way to avoid the carcinogenics of smoke.
They change the DNA in your cells, these cells are usually kidded by the body naturally. When the auto-Self Delete function of the cell is impaired due to a mutation, then it becomes cancerous
THC cannot get through the nuclear membrane! This is a ludicrous statement.