Author Topic: I smoked tree leaves on wednesday  (Read 12114 times)

That was badly worded actually, I meant to say that you being a local druggie didn't like what OP did
Oh yeah lol xD
He could of just gone to the rec drug thread and posted "HEY IM ABOUT TO SMOKE SOME OAK!" and we would of all told him "No you forgetwit dont do that."

I am absolutely baffled that OP smoked loving oak leaves, but I don't real feel surprised about how it was th3coolst3r.
Maybe if it was like Camel I would be more inclined to ask "What the forget is your problem?"
don't hold me too high of a standard, I did some dumb stuff when I was 12

we used to snort crushed smarties and baby bottle pop durin english class!

we used to snort crushed smarties and baby bottle pop durin english class!
They said if I did that I would get some of their snack sized potato chips but they lied.

we used to snort crushed smarties and baby bottle pop durin english class!
my brotha

we used to snort crushed smarties and baby bottle pop durin english class!
some idiots were putting crushed smarties on their tounges and blowing them off in the bathroom last year and repeating the word bruh at least 100 times

Like I said, I was unsure on this, I think you're right though, it is unlikely that thc causes oxidation

I think i remember it being tobacco instead now
Here is some friendly advice: when in doubt, don't talk. Unless you provide quality evidence for these claims, I'll be inclined to not believe you. :)

Here is some friendly advice: when in doubt, don't talk. Unless you provide quality evidence for these claims, I'll be inclined to not believe you. :)
This is silly, it's not as if I didn't state my uncertainty on that point. I clearly stated I was not sure, which means not to take the point too seriously.

I think there is a naivety thing regarding drugs because as kids, it's not about the substance, it's about the action, so we think snorting or smoking anything will get us high simply because we snorted or smoked it. I can't be too ashamed of op cus i'd be a hypocrite. still funny tho

I guess I never weighed in on the OP. I think that he decided to take an experimental approach to something that was already well known, which on one hand is loving stupid because a quick google search or post in the Rec. Drug thread on here would teach him that he's just gonna hurt himself. On the other hand, I think it's kind of cool that this kid had the motivation and balls to actually smoke leaves for science. I wouldn't be surprised if he had to create a loving pipe to smoke it with too, so props for that.

haha loving lol, op also asked if pear leaves or something would make you high
op is just some die-hard stoner

haha loving lol, op also asked if pear leaves or something would make you high
op is just some die-hard stoner
he's 12

The liver does metabolise any chemical that you put in the blood, after metabolised the kidneys get rid of it. Read on it, I assure you this is correct.

They change the DNA in your cells, these cells are usually killed by the body naturally. When the auto-Self Delete function of the cell is impaired due to a mutation, then it becomes cancerous
« Last Edit: December 01, 2014, 01:14:05 AM by Funkadelic »

OP is 13 years old and has already:

Made a topic about him being gay

Made this topic about him being loving stupid and deciding to attempt to get stoned

And then he asked if school was actually necessary

I mean jesus
« Last Edit: December 01, 2014, 01:20:43 AM by Silleb² »

OP is 13 years old and has already:

Made a topic about him being gay

Asked is School is really necessary

And now this

I mean jesus
He asked about the school thing after this.