Author Topic: Would You Rather? - BLF Edition  (Read 4262 times)

I am British. Unless I were to move to America, I would have no use for either. I don't even know how qimes or daughters work in USD like just have one loving dollar not like one sixteenth of it that it's own type of loving coin like jesus
so i guess 2nd

Would you rather have a ridiculously slow walk speed or a ludicrously fast walk speed (and we're talking "everything around you is a blur" type fast, not a Usain Bolt style fast)

I would have a ridiculously slow one cause i don't want to smash my whole body at mach 5.

Would you be able to cheat in life or be the creator of life, if you had the choice of course.

Cheat in life if you mean 'cheat code' type deal.

Would you rather do an additional 5 years of school or have an engine dropped on your foot? No shoes.

Engine foot.

Go blind by Virtual Boy or go deaf by Beats?

Deaf by beats.

Which will take forever since the only music I listen to is relatively quiet.

Would you rather challenge the Four Kings or the Executioner and Dragon Slayer?

dragon slayer and executioner, cause the link leads me nowhere so they might aswell not exist!

would you rather have the ability to spontaneously combust and stay unharmed, or use telekenetics and get hurt slightly

totes mgotes on spontaniously combusting painlessly

Drink from the goblet of gore (making zombie maggots infest your head)


Get torn to pieces by zombies as a human

Option one since I may be able to survive if I visit a competent doctor.

Would you rather suffer from nightmares for the rest of your life every night, or not be able to dream at all?

Option two, because every time I dream I wake up late(to an alarm clock or to someone screaming)

Would you rather be forced to script and model something on Suggestions+Requests(Things like a disposable one-time use pistol), or would you rather be forced to make a stuffty drama thread?

stuffty drama, tends to be a bit less memorable.

Necrophilia of a skeleton or pain Olympics?

I try to win as many golds as I can

Killing someone IRL or killing yourself

someone else

autism or cancer

With cancer, you can get motivation to be the ruler of meth for 5 years so- um, that.

Choosing which door to open to leave a building:

The door that says: NOT AN EXIT
The door that says: USE OTHER DOOR

I would choose the not an exit door because then eventually I would find a way out because the other door states there is no way out through there by telling me to use the other door

Would you rather shove a steakknife up your star fish and stab through or shove a butter knife up your nose and peirce up and poke your brain

Uhh…. What? That was hard to read.
I guess I'll do the knife butt thing because touching my brain could/will kill me.

Would you rather have immortality at the cost of losing fertility and arousement, or would you gain the ability to fly at the cost of your legs and arms?