Author Topic: Event: SetAIShapeName  (Read 6571 times)

Set AI Shapename

A mod that lets you add a name shapename onto bots. *

Feild Descriptions
  • Text Feild: [Name to apply to bot.]
  • Color Swatch: [Name Color (uses current colorset).]


*Not actually a real shapename, tis a staticshape.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2015, 01:22:16 AM by Darksaber2213 »

oh sweet, thanks. This will be SO useful!

This is great for some of the more important bots.

Code: [Select]
This will always be false FYI. It's because %tag is an undefined variable so it'd be the same thing as doing if(isObject("")). If it was me, I would have put the tag as a variable on the AI Player.

Keep pumping out these addons mang

You may want to fix that schedule in your code. Maybe use something like this just for good measures:

     %this.setFakeShapeNameLoop = schedule(1,0,setFakeShapeName,%this, %tag);

Cool Add-on, good job.

damn darksaber, these add-ons are kickass

Now you can make perfect clones of players! Awesome.

I don't wanna be a downer, but isn't this code banned?

I don't wanna be a downer, but isn't this code banned?
No. He's actually setting the shape name of a static shape. Not a player or AI Player.

Look now you name things!!!

You have made blockland 10x better

why name it setAIshapename instead of setbotshapename