Author Topic: Nooby forum avatar help  (Read 3689 times)

I've been trying to create a christmas avatar and unsatisfied with the first one, i made a second one.

Now whenever i try to get it into the okay size zone it looks like an star fish.

I've been trying to create a christmas avatar and unsatisfied with the first one, i made a second one.

Now whenever i try to get it into the okay size zone it looks like an star fish.

it looks the same quality as your current avatar

Every time i try to bring it into the same size it
looks like an star fish.

I could prob fix the picture for you, but im currently not on my computer. The christmas variant does look fine to me though, dont quite see whats wrong with it.

that avatar is the right size

Then why is the forum going off the ladder saying that the file might be too large.
I'll try uploading it again..

Happened again
Your attachment couldn't be saved. This might happen because it took too long to upload or the file is bigger than the server will allow.

Please consult your server administrator for more information.

Also, current avatar is 3KB, the new avatar is 23 KB

Is it the same file format?

Like your old being a .jpeg while the new one being a .png

Is it the same file format?

Like your old being a .jpeg while the new one being a .png
Doesn't matter.

.pngs seem to work better for some reason. Probably cause .jpg is a horrid format.

The two are both .jpg

The two are both .jpg
Try .png instead, that seems to work instead

Tried it. Also, running the image through a jpeg optimizer witg almost no compression made it 4kb, I guess photoshop attached some weird data to it. Still doesn't work though. What is the size limit anyways?

God damn my web cache to hell, thanks for pointing that out.