Author Topic: Unfair ban on Aoki's CRP  (Read 6362 times)

I was just banned a few minutes ago on aoki's CRP for using RapidFire, which the rules say NOTHING about.
It was outpact who banned me.
I should also mention EVERYONE else was using them, and he picked specifically on me.

what were you using it for?

what were you using it for?
yeah cough it up you turd otherwise i will take a big dump all over you

It was outpact who banned me.
Outpact is admin on this server?

Jesus christ don't anger him. He might crash it.

Jesus christ don't anger him. He might crash it.
aoki has the thing

You were banned for Unfair Advantage, that is using Rapid Fire for arresting someone, thus instantly jailing him. Dannu informed me yesterday that using Rapid Fire or any sort of unfair advantage towards others brings serious punishment, you also decided to not care about it and apologise, if that was the case, I would of considered giving you another chance. Heres some pictures (that OP didint put):

I should also mention EVERYONE else was using them, and he picked specifically on me.
Forgot to mention, So you said you didint have rapidfire, now you say you do, now your using the 'Everyone else did it!' excuse? I witnessed you using it. Thus I banned you. We take Unfair Advantage VERY seriously here.

There is a way to prevent the rapid fire, you know.

There is a way to prevent the rapid fire, you know.
Talk to Aoki then,

Talk to Aoki then,
I'm SA there anyways, I could just use some eval to add a patch in the hammer.

Okay, weather I was morally right or wrong, it doesn't matter. The RULES of the server mention nothing of rapid fire.
First of all, I didn't even know you where admin and didn't even know what you where talking about when you said "I saw that", second of all, I knew nothing of anyone ever mentioning rapid fire was against the rules
So please, be more specific before banning someone for a day for something they didn't know was bad.

another unfinished gamemode that requires users use the honor system because they are to lazy to finish it.


Ive never seen one word sum up an entire group of people and their servers this well.

Okay, weather I was morally right or wrong, it doesn't matter. The RULES of the server mention nothing of rapid fire.
First of all, I didn't even know you where admin and didn't even know what you where talking about when you said "I saw that", second of all, I knew nothing of anyone ever mentioning rapid fire was against the rules
So please, be more specific before banning someone for a day for something they didn't know was bad.
You can talk to Aoki or Dannu about it.

lol Outpact is an admin? that's loving too good. 10/10