Author Topic: Clave and Sigma - secret groups set on taking over blockland or something  (Read 7070 times)

Also I restate. I was one of the various people who were in on it. I found a chat log from 2013 that would help my case, however it's in text form so you might think I edited it.
Text form is never trust worthy.
This part alone seems rather condemning and as though your trying to convince us all "Look guys im loving with you, quite clearly even but play along"

LMFAO bro i cringed so hard right now it could have been construed as an intense climax or mild seizure

LMFAO bro i cringed so hard right now it could have been construed as an intense climax or mild seizure
Not sure what you're on about mate, but incase you didn't see the date on those chat logs.


basically a group of people that are admins in many servers. ok then

Not so secret.  I heard stuff about these "groups" a long time ago.  Never took an interest in them.  It sounded like too much of a set-up then—a lot of bark and not enough bite if any at all.

I heard about Sigma, and they're 'black'.

basically a group of people that are admins in many servers. ok then
Not strictly admins. That was a side effect. The main point was to get people to join Conclave, people being admin just helped.

Not so secret.  I heard stuff about these "groups" a long time ago.  Never took an interest in them.  It sounded like too much of a set-up then—a lot of bark and not enough bite if any at all.
It wasn't supposed to be "TOP SECRIT HUSH HUSH".... You were supposed to have heard about it through people and w/e. The only thing that was "TOP SECRIT HUSH HUSH" was both organization's structures. And that's because they never existed!

I heard about Sigma, and they're 'black'.
u fookin' w0t m8?
How could a fictitious group be back after I just exposed the entire thing?
I really hope you're joking.

"It's not loving with people for laughs, it's loving with people for science!"

u fookin' w0t m8?
How could a fictitious group be back after I just exposed the entire thing?
I really hope you're joking.
[/quote]He said Black not Back.
Learn 2 read bruduh

NO EDIT: And maybe I should learn how to loving quote. FFS

In my defense it was 4am and I was on my phone.

This could have been a pretty darn good pyramid scheme if done correctly.

inb4okiverjoinsblocklandtodef end