
So, a Auschwitz build turned into A Jail RP/escape would you join?

I don't know
What the forget was auschwitz
The hell are you talking about

Author Topic: Building Auschwitz, 1 brick at a time. ( Gas chamber Built )  (Read 5142 times)

not sure if joke or serious
Who in their Reich mind would say such a mean joke?

Who in their Reich mind would say such a mean joke?
Jew obviously would!

Jew obviously would!
lets not get carried away with these puns shall we.

lets not get carried away with these puns shall we.
Why are we "gassing" these puns up? Like seriously. ( horrible pun is horrible )

I feel this offends me a lot. My grandfather died in Auschwitz, he fell out of his guard tower...
at least he was doing what he loves

You have a gallery topic and a general discussion topic. Shouldn't there only be the Gallery topic?

This topic makes me führerious.

You have a gallery topic and a general discussion topic. Shouldn't there only be the Gallery topic?

Once done I plan on making an RP or Prison break...

This topic makes me führerious.
You've come to the Reich place.

« Last Edit: December 16, 2014, 11:04:41 AM by Tokerovin »

jewish people are gonna love this

I feel this offends me a lot.

Gas Chamber not big enough, too little space to fit Jews (But honestly in Birkenau its much bigger)

The green "offline" text puts me off making me think it's Online...

I am tired of all of these puns, Anne Frankly, they are not funny.