Author Topic: Death Penalty in the US- Yes or no? (Another discussion)  (Read 3121 times)

no, the state should not decide whenever you live or die

in my honest opinion, anyone who's a really bad dude should get the death penalty

north america has a major issue with a plethora of bad dudes, and i think it's an issue that should be addressed

Cruel and Usual, pretty barbaric. Firing line and sleep drugs  and poison are the way to go.

yeah but stuff dude what a way to go

Work them to death in Siberia with -28 temperatures

No there shouldn't be.
And it would be fine because prisons are already 5 times as populated as they should be. Lots of crimes aren't as serious as the prison sentencing is for. It's all a scam.

yeah but this is reality, not fantasy
Life for the euphoric: You lock a man up in a six or eight foot cell. You pay 60,000 US dollars are year to feed and cloth him a year, and to watch him go insane every minute until he either kills himself or dies in his cell over a long period of years. Only to teach him a lesson that killing someone was wrong, even if he admits his guilt or says he is sorry he will be trapped in that cell forever until that heart of his stops beating.

Death for the euphoric: You avenge the death of somebody and kill the murderer with an injection that costs about 86 US dollars that puts to him sleep.

Both choices have their perks and the major flaws. While eye for an eye is barbaric, housing every single of those guys is going to come out of your pocket, and it's going to be a lot. The prison population is overcrowding, we continue to build more prisons. Those guys on life sentences or on death row are or were major scumbags.

Locking someone up doesn't fix the problem, killing them does little, you have an overcrowded prison population, a government with a huge debt and currency backed by nothing, people are getting out doing still committing crimes. You could try to change people, but only you can decide if you want to change. Perhaps we need to reform? Do we lock them up, and call it day, do we remove the dangerous people from society by killing them, or do we punish them by locking them and trying to change them. If experience taught me anything, you can't change a person, only they can decide that internally. If you do want to try and change someone, what would you do? Any expenses?

There is no magic bullet, no one right answer, no guarantees. This is the way things have been, this is the reality we live in.

sounds like death penalty is a perfect solution

"The state should not decide whether you live or die."

but they can decide whether to put you behind bars under security for the rest of your life gg

Cases without the death penalty cost $740,000, while cases where the death penalty is sought cost $1.26 million. Maintaining each death row prisoner costs taxpayers $90,000 more per year than a prisoner in general population.

"The state should not decide whether you live or die."

but they can decide whether to put you behind bars under security for the rest of your life gg
and how old you can be when you can legally have love

It's a good solution to the overpopulated prisons. But the real issue is that to many small offences are putting people away for way way to many years.
The prison system is a private owned business. And the entire justice system is built around it.

and how old you can be when you can legally have love
I found that really stupid, They say try to lessen teen pregnancies, yet the age of consent is 16... 'murica

"The state should not decide whether you live or die."

but they can decide whether to put you behind bars under security for the rest of your life gg
why didn't you just quote me?

they're put in jail for being a menance to society and are getting they're punishment. getting killed isn't very much a punishment unless they're religious, but that's on a personal level and not on the state level