Author Topic: Farmer (BL ID: 23776) - ''DDoSer''  (Read 4298 times)

farmer is a hick who probably cant restart a router without calling customer support

farmer is a hick who probably cant restart a router without calling customer support

Made me laugh legit

It is confirmed that Sugar suffer from SEVERE autism spectrum, it's not only dyslexia. Also we believe that she suffer from diabetus.
where is your evidence

where is your evidence

Sorry forgeted up the last link... here's the evidence

So i was hosting a Renderman server today and this guy came.

I don't know if this belongs to drama since he didn't make anything to my server.

After he said that, i banned him for 1 day.

He is not a ddoser. He is an obvious troll. he joined a server I was on the other day and said "Its trolling time" . When he found out we werent knew to the game he said it was boring and left

almost believed this stuff then realized he hung out with dumb and dumber (pat and redyz)

He's a troll, he was on my server before and threatened to DDOS me because I would put cheats on him for the RPG mod.

He's a troll, he was on my server before and threatened to DDOS me because I wouldn't put cheats on him for the RPG mod.
No edit

So i was hosting a Renderman server today and this guy came.

I don't know if this belongs to drama since he didn't make anything to my server.

After he said that, i banned him for 1 day.
Farmer is a pain in the ass. He called me a friend. I banned him for "friend is a bundle of sticks"

Farmer is a pain in the ass. He called me a friend. I banned him for "friend is a bundle of sticks"

Just empty threats. Nothing much to worry about.

also came on my server and spammed some national socialist stuff or something. i didnt care much but he started calling me and my admin a monday so i just perma'd him.