Suggest a gamemode

Author Topic: Suggest a gamemode  (Read 2572 times)

Guys, suggest a gamemode and I'll pick the best one and work on it and release it.

Singleplayer gamemode or multiplayer gamemode. I'm only going to spend 1 day coding it so keep the suggestions rather simple.

pizza delivery
like ROBLOX's "Work at a pizza place" with less handicaps.

like ROBLOX's "Work at a pizza place" with less handicaps.
O ye I remember that

like ROBLOX's "Work at a pizza place" with less handicaps.

I always wanted to make a BL version of that. But it would be tricky since bricks can't move....

Robbery gamemode Robbers steal items from best buy and return it to their team's van for money big items like tvs slow you down and can be carried one at a time phones and smaller items slow you down but not nearly as much after 5 minutes the team with the most money wins. Or cops vs robbers variant if a cop catches you and clicks on you you have to go to jail the cops take all your stolen goods and you must wait 60 seconds before returning.

Better zombie survival with pathfinding. There can be spawns behind barriers that they have to take down before they can pass through, you can also repair the barriers.

Each round the zombies are tougher. There can be perks to help you throughout the game, kind of like Black Ops zombies.

Better zombie survival with pathfinding. There can be spawns behind barriers that they have to take down before they can pass through, you can also repair the barriers.

Each round the zombies are tougher. There can be perks to help you throughout the game, kind of like Black Ops zombies.
Either this OR port ZAPT2 or Rotondo's Zombies

It always have to delude to zombies...
Every time.

You could also make a base defense gamemode, where everything is 8x8 cube grid with custom pathfinding to attack your base, which is 16x16

Note: This idea is not mine. It was made for a different game and I just wanted to recreate it in blockland. There is some modifications to the rules.

Annihilation is a team-based PvP gamemode with 4 teams, Red, Blue, Yellow, and Green. Your team's objective is to destroy the other 3 team's nexuses, while protecting your own. Each team has their own quarter of the map where they can gather resources, buy defenses etc. You can join a team in the pre-game lobby by using /jointeam (color).
Your team wins when it is the last one with a nexus.

The game is split up into 5 phases, each phase lasting 10 minutes.

Phase 1: Nexus bricks are invincible
Phase 2: Nexus bricks lose their invincibility
Phase 3: OP Weapons spawn in the center of the map and joining mid-game is no longer allowed past this phase.
Phase 4: Nothing
Phase 5: Double Nexus damage

The game will stop at phase 5 and stay there until the game is over.

The Nexus is the most important brick in the game.
Each Nexus only starts with 75 hit points, and when mined (With RPG Picks Maybe?) it will lose 1 HP each time, or 2 In Phase 5. When mined it makes a very loud sound at the base, or a light sound if you aren't close enough, to alert the team their nexus is being hit.

Once a team's Nexus is destroyed, that team will no longer re-spawn. The remaining members of the team will remain in the game until they die, meaning they can still attack and destroy your nexus.

In order to win, your team must be the last one with a nexus.

Gathering resources is crucial to victory.

You can sell your ore in a shop, located around your base.

You may wish to check out the maps and see where to find the mines.

Logs- These are nearly everywhere on all the maps. All team spawns usually have a log farm near the base, and most maps have trees scattered around which you can chop. Logs will also respawn very quickly.

OP Weapons- OP Weapons spawn ONLY at the center of the map, and only in Phase 3 or later. They respawn after 3 mins. Teams will often fight over the area all game long.

There is also be be classes in the gamemode. You can kill A.I. bosses to earn loot. One Map Will Be Included. Maps are built in a square and teams are in the 4 corners.

Help: I would like this to appeal to as many people as possible and I would like to allow people to help. You can apply (No Strict Rules, just ask while asking yourself a few questions) to be a builder, a eventer, or a scripter. Anyone is welcome as long as there reputation for helping is not bad. I will host a 24/7 building server for anyone willing to build. But first, I need to know what addons the builders and eventers want.

Thanks for reading, I'm gonna start work right away. Any helpers will be added to a list in the op. Thank You.

If someone else would be able to make this I would be so happy.