Dont lie Kungfu (691)

Author Topic: Dont lie Kungfu (691)  (Read 3783 times)

Hello all. i have made this to tell you about Kungfu (ID 691) says builder has made a cheap rip off of someones script i would like to talk to him but hes to manly and leaves when i find him and calls me noob clearly very clever.

I hope he comes on to this topic if he is not to much a of sissy he said builder made a crappy copy of a script i only can assume he means of a money one or bounty or mining well not mining builder has only just finished that doing wood cutting next and farming so can't wait for that.
I any who i want to know why the panda! he thinks builder has made a rip off of a script seeing as i have not came  across a server since IBANs server that has bounty's or mining well IBAN had wood cutting i cant remember anything else he had but if anyone know which script builder is suppose to be  copying please tell me so i can clear up this with manly Kungfu.

You can not even wait 30 min. without  postint the exact same topic AGAIN! Posting this twice will probably result in a flame war, but I have been work wrong before. I am not going to get involved in it but I am just giving fair warning. P.S. First post MUAHAHAHA. Ok im done.

Go whine to someone else, 'cause we 'ain't listening to your lies.
I have mining, bounties and woodcutting too!
Look, mining!
Code: [Select]
%colData = %col.getDataBlock();
%colDataClass = %colData.classname;
if(%col.getDataBlock().getname() $= "brick4x4x4crateData"){
%col.totalHits = %col.totalHits + %rank;
if(%col.totalHits >= %col.rank){
schedule(25000, 0, "RespawnRock", %col.getTransform(), %col.getColorID(), %col.client, %col.rank);
if( $= ""){ = 0;
%random = getRandom(1,20);
%random2 = getRandom(-5,2);
case -5:
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2Mined a rock!");
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2You received \c3Nothing \c2Unfortunately...");
case -4:
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2Mined a rock!");
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2You received \c3Nothing \c2Unfortunately...");
case -3:
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2Mined a rock!");
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2You received \c3Nothing \c2Unfortunately...");
case -2:
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2Mined a rock!");
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2You received \c3Nothing \c2Unfortunately...");
case -1:
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2Mined a rock!");
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2You received \c3Nothing \c2Unfortunately...");
case 0:
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2Mined a rock!");
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2You received \c3Nothing \c2Unfortunately...");
case 1: = + 5;
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2Mined a rock!");
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2You received some \c3Iron pyrites!");
case 2: = + 10;
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2Mined a rock!");
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2You received some \c3Rose quartz!");
case 3: = + 15;
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2Mined a rock!");
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2You received some \c3Copper ore!");
case 4: = + 20;
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2Mined a rock!");
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2You received some \c3Iron ore!");
case 5: = + 45;
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2Mined a rock!");
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2You received some \c3Amethysts!");
case 6: = + 30;
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2Mined a rock!");
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2You received some \c3Tin ore!");
case 7: = + 50;
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2Mined a rock!");
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2You received some \c3Silver ore!");
case 8: = + 55;
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2Mined a rock!");
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2You received some \c3Marble!");
case 9: = + 75;
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2Mined a rock!");
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2You received some \c3Chromium ore!");
case 10: = + 85;
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2Mined a rock!");
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2You received some \c3Jade!");
case 11: = + 100;
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2Mined a rock!");
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2You received some \c3Gold ore!");
case 12: = + 125;
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2Mined a rock!");
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2You received some \c3Mithril ore!");
case 13: = + 175;
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2Mined a rock!");
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2You received some \c3Rubies!");
case 14: = + 175;
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2Mined a rock!");
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2You received some \c3Topaz!");
case 15: = + 175;
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2Mined a rock!");
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2You received some \c3Saphires!");
case 16: = + 175;
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2Mined a rock!");
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2You received some \c3Emeralds!");
case 17: = + 175;
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2Mined a rock!");
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2You received some \c3Turquoise!");
case 18: = + 175;
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2Mined a rock!");
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2You received some \c3Platinum ore!");
case 19: = + 250;
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2Mined a rock!");
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2You received some \c3Diamonds!");
case 20: = + 500;
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2Mined a rock!");
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2You received some \c3Brilliant diamonds!");
case 21:
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2Mined a rock!");
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2You received \c3Nothing \c2Unfortunately...");
case 22:
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2Mined a rock!");
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2You received \c3Nothing \c2Unfortunately...");
Whats this? Woodcutting? Amazing!
Code: [Select]
%player = %obj.client.player;
%client = %obj.client;
%rank = %obj.client.rpc_choprank;
if(%col.rank $= "")
%col.rank= 5;
if(%rank $= "")
%obj.client.rpc_choprank = 1;
%rank = 1;
%colData = %col.getDataBlock();
%colDataClass = %colData.classname;
    if(%col.getDataBlock().getname() $= "brickPineTreeData")
%col.totalHits = %col.totalHits + %rank;
if(%col.totalHits >= %col.rank)
schedule(25000,0,"RespawnTree",%col.gettransform(),%col.getcolorid(), %col.client,%col.rank);
if( $= ""){ = 0;
} = + (%col.rank * 3) ;
messageclient(%obj.client, "","\c2Chopped a tree ! \c3($" @ %col.rank * 3 @ ")");
Claiming bounties by arresting people? Wonderful!
Code: [Select]
if(%col.client.dems > 0){
if(%col.client.cahits == 3){
Jail(%col.client, %col.client.dems);
if(%client.licensetokill == 1){
%col.client.dems = %col.client.dems * 2;
} = + %col.client.dems;
messageClient(%obj.client, '', "\c2You just got\c3 Cash: " @ %col.client.dems @ " \c2for arresting\c3 " @;
%col.client.cahits = 0;
%col.client.dems = 0;
} else {
Now do you doubt my scripting skills?
« Last Edit: December 30, 2007, 03:56:16 AM by Monty »


  • Guest
Hahaha this sure got in the drama section ey, well il cut to the cheese. I said that to piss you off and its worked hasn't it.

Even if you try to copy my scripts, I've taken out various vital lines.

Even if you try to copy my scripts, I've taken out various vital lines.
Awesome scripts! Will you be releasing?

Hello all. i have made this to tell you about Kungfu (ID 691) says builder has made a cheap rip off of someones script i would like to talk to him but hes to manly and leaves when i find him and calls me noob clearly very clever.

I hope he comes on to this topic if he is not to much a of sissy he said builder made a crappy copy of a script i only can assume he means of a money one or bounty or mining well not mining builder has only just finished that doing wood cutting next and farming so can't wait for that.
I any who i want to know why the panda! he thinks builder has made a rip off of a script seeing as i have not came  across a server since IBANs server that has bounty's or mining well IBAN had wood cutting i cant remember anything else he had but if anyone know which script builder is suppose to be  copying please tell me so i can clear up this with manly Kungfu.
This is my favourite picture next to the "arguing over the internet is like running the special olympics" one.



I lol'd, Monty :D

I myself made a wudcutting script earlier today (except for the item handling, which is why I made my modification discussion topic). Then I got bored and made a script that could ban spraycan colors (except just the one I note in $thiscolorisbanned). Then I got bored and played some DDR. Then I got bored and got together my crew and played an awesome session of Star Wars Roleplaying Game: Saga Edition. And man was it awesome. It ended 3 hours ago and I'm still basking in the awesome. Man, I run awesome games. The two protagonist characters not only found out what was in that suitcase, but they stole a ship, got some banged up droid parts, and escaped Tatooine. Because desert planets suck.

... That reminds me. It's 3 AM. I'm tired. I'm going to bed. Tomorrow can be wuds day. And mining. And magic crystals. And whatever.


Note: My scripts were influenced by Iban, before he went emo and *chan newfailgot. His RPG was pretty fun while it lasted.

Awesome scripts! Will you be releasing?
Anyway it's not finished.

Anyway it's not finished.
The doom of most scripting projects. Mine will be done. 'One day'. That may be a year from now for all I know. But they'll get done one day.

I'm just going to stick some stuff to let clients mess around and stuff, I would rob MrPickle of his random monster spawning but he'll probably bury me under a foot of loam.

Dilt! Bandana Man is needed in Young Link's topic!

Dilt! Bandana Man is needed in Young Link's topic!