Author Topic: merry christmas friends  (Read 1619 times)

I've narrowed down where you live to a timezone. One step closer to reclaiming the aged family cheese that you stole from me two years ago! *pumps fist in defiance*

If you really care, my mom cant work because her knees are forgeted up, and our only source of income is a 1000 dollar check for my social security that goes to bills. We are broke for the rest of the month after that. Disability wont pay her anything because we're not black. (Sorry about that comment, this stuff just pisses me off)
wow, that sucks.  Is there absolutely no way your mom can make any money?

wow, that sucks.  Is there absolutely no way your mom can make any money?

nope. she cant even go to a job interview.

nope. she cant even go to a job interview.
damn. i feel sorry for you guys.

damn. i feel sorry for you guys.

dont be. It will only trigger the trolls to say "lel attention whore"

Just about 1:00am here.

I got a prepaid card and transferred something, noticed it was wrong and cancelled it and now I have to wait a week to spend it
best start to any christmas

yeah good thing that christmas is all about the gifts and not about goodwill to your fellow man and love for your neighbor
tongue out of cheek no gifts doesn't mean no christmas. you're a family and you should be happy about it, even if things seem bad.

yeah good thing that christmas is all about the gifts and not about goodwill to your fellow man and love for your neighbor
tongue out of cheek no gifts doesn't mean no christmas. you're a family and you should be happy about it, even if things seem bad.
its just a complaint, I know its not just about gifts

Is there a reason atheists celebrate christmas?

hey we love to crash jc's b-day

Is there a reason atheists celebrate christmas?

Cause they get stuff for their selfish lives

No worries guys. We're all selfish.

Im going to some loving xmas restaurant where I sit for 6 loving hours doing nothing besides eating and jacking off.

i wonder if there are any jewish bl users
Ykulvaarlck (Klarck) is