Author Topic: had one forgeted up dream last night.  (Read 2764 times)

I went voluntarily. I could've left whenever I wanted.

Anyway it is sort of an achievement because it helped a lot.

oh, well good on you then

My dreams are just loving stupid, last thing i can remember i dreamt about a cartoon cow sinking the titanic
And whenever i have good dreams i wake up at the best part

My dreams are just loving stupid, last thing i can remember i dreamt about a cartoon cow sinking the titanic
And whenever i have good dreams i wake up at the best part

Last night I had a dream that we got a QT built in my town. I was super stoked.

My dreams keeping bringing me back to the nightmares of my old home. That place was destroyed a year or so back but I keep finding myself back in it :c

That is nothing compared to watching a horror movie and suffering from sleep paralysis. That stuff is crazy.

when you have sleep paralysis you wake up still in REM sleep and you get visions of figures in your room ( well mine I do ) and they attack me when I look at them...

That is nothing compared to watching a horror movie and suffering from sleep paralysis. That stuff is crazy.

when you have sleep paralysis you wake up still in REM sleep and you get visions of figures in your room ( well mine I do ) and they attack me when I look at them...
I used to have this happen constantly, actually. I also used to have an issue where I'd scream, kick, thrash, etc, while asleep. Usually ended when someone came in waking me up.

Till this day no one gets why the hell it happened, must be a childhood thing that some people go through.

I used to have this happen constantly, actually. I also used to have an issue where I'd scream, kick, thrash, etc, while asleep. Usually ended when someone came in waking me up.

Till this day no one gets why the hell it happened, must be a childhood thing that some people go through.
I had the worst time when I watched Childs play. When I was finally done I didn't go to sleep around 1:30 AM and when I fell asleep I woke up paralyzed looking at my door slowly open and Chucky walk in saying "well,well,well, look who we got here" while slapping a Ruler in a scene from the movie and I started thrashing and ended up unsheathing my machete I keep in my nightstand and threw it at the door. It stuck through the door with 7 inches outside the door when in reality my door never opened, so I had to explain why a machete was sticking out of my door and waking everyone up yelling " forget YOU! DO TO HELL YOU DEMENTED DOLL!" : /

I had the worst time when I watched Childs play. When I was finally done I didn't go to sleep around 1:30 AM and when I fell asleep I woke up paralyzed looking at my door slowly open and Chucky walk in saying "well,well,well, look who we got here" while slapping a Ruler in a scene from the movie and I started thrashing and ended up unsheathing my machete I keep in my nightstand and threw it at the door. It stuck through the door with 7 inches outside the door when in reality my door never opened, so I had to explain why a machete was sticking out of my door and waking everyone up yelling " forget YOU! DO TO HELL YOU DEMENTED DOLL!" : /
i feel a lot better now thank you. but i also feel bad for you.

god. every bad dream i have ever had is childsplay compared to this. i hope it goes away one day

I had the worst time when I watched Childs play. When I was finally done I didn't go to sleep around 1:30 AM and when I fell asleep I woke up paralyzed looking at my door slowly open and Chucky walk in saying "well,well,well, look who we got here" while slapping a Ruler in a scene from the movie and I started thrashing and ended up unsheathing my machete I keep in my nightstand and threw it at the door. It stuck through the door with 7 inches outside the door when in reality my door never opened, so I had to explain why a machete was sticking out of my door and waking everyone up yelling " forget YOU! DO TO HELL YOU DEMENTED DOLL!" : /
If this is true than I must say that is quite something. I've awoken to something similar before, however I never threw a machete or anything.

I had the worst time when I watched Childs play. When I was finally done I didn't go to sleep around 1:30 AM and when I fell asleep I woke up paralyzed looking at my door slowly open and Chucky walk in saying "well,well,well, look who we got here" while slapping a Ruler in a scene from the movie and I started thrashing and ended up unsheathing my machete I keep in my nightstand and threw it at the door. It stuck through the door with 7 inches outside the door when in reality my door never opened, so I had to explain why a machete was sticking out of my door and waking everyone up yelling " forget YOU! DO TO HELL YOU DEMENTED DOLL!" : /

lol'd so hard at the end.

tell other stories pls :)

lol'd so hard at the end.

tell other stories pls :)
Read the creepy pasta "eyeless jack" without the kidney part, that is what I've experienced and it is terrifying.

jfc how do you not have heart attacks from that stuff?

jfc how do you not have heart attacks from that stuff?
I'm starting a thread about it.

I had a really weird recurring dream when I was young. It was really short but it freaked me out nonetheless.
So the way my kitchen and dining room are set up in my house, there's a pathway that passes by both of them so you can move from one room to the other. And there used to be one of those kid fences in the middle of the path so my little sister couldn't make it from one room to the other.

So the dream started out with my mom and I standing side by side, walking towards the kid fence from the entrance on the kitchen side. At the same time, another figure was walking around our dining room table, making an arc-shaped pattern, also moving towards the fence. The figure is somewhat hard to describe. He looks like Doctor Doom but his coloring is much darker and he is so detailed to the point that it's scary.
I could not control my actions in the dream. All three of us walked toward the fence in silence, and all three of us reached the fence at the exact same time. When we did, we all stepped over the fence. My mother, as far as I knew, was fine; she did not come in contact with anything. I, however, was face to face with the figure. As I come face to face with him, the rest of the world becomes invisible to me, and all I see is his face. There isn't even emptiness where the world should be; even those spaces are filled with his features.
Unlike the actual Doctor Doom, however, the figure is not a man in a metal suit. He seems more like a full robot. I could see no piece of a human feature. And worst of all were his eyes. The rest of his face darkened even further as two glowing, yellow eyes stared at me for a solid second. And then the dream ended.

Occasionally, this dream would end and immediately jump into another one. For example, once it ended and I was moved into a dream in which I was in a very dark room. I could not see the far wall of it. What portion was visible was full of those fake bits of kitchen furniture built for children. Other times, the dream would end and I would wake up.