Author Topic: Airsoft Megathread  (Read 2211 times)

is it fun to snipe people

i'm guessing it's not because people prob don't call it out if they know they got sniped but idk
The main goal of a sniper is really just to keep the enemy on their toes. Dying from a sniper is a really hard thing to do.
In a match there was a sniper who was really good, but he got separated from his team. All I had to do was wait for him to shoot then rush him, dive to cover, rinse and repeat. He died really fast.

A good sniper gives the enemy something to worry about, as long as he's close by, and keeps the pressure on them, he's effective. More a support role than "kill the entire team" role.

If you are going to snipe, choose a place with one entrance and which is your sniping exit. Have a handy roostered side arm. And set up claymores.

So far so good and no annoying "buy a weel gun" kiddies.

I have a gigantic Airsoft RPK that i can post pics of if anyones interested

So far so good and no annoying "buy a weel gun" kiddies.

I have a gigantic Airsoft RPK that i can post pics of if anyones interested
Oooh I'd like to see it

Real wood?

« Last Edit: December 26, 2014, 04:17:57 PM by Lockebox »

Going out this Saturday, anyone going to toxic/insurgent field tomorrow? This is in Tucson btw

I'll get you guys a picture of my gun when I get back from work

Anyone know of any good airsoft fields in Texas?
I tried google but it came up with blanks pretty much.
There's a website called lonestarairsoft or something but it seems underused
What part of Texas? Austin area/central Texas? North? Corpus area? etc

What part of Texas? Austin area/central Texas? North? Corpus area? etc
Austin area, yeah.

I am planing on going to 's field this weekend, Saturday or Sunday

I almost got that gun, until I decided I don't really want to buy stuff tons of gas
propane > green gas
three bucks will work for maybe a thousand rounds, just mix with silicone oil every four mags
the effort and smell is worth the cash you save. Some brands don't even smell bad
« Last Edit: December 26, 2014, 06:56:07 PM by Zloff »

Do you guys know if this: would be a good idea to buy?

Implying it's charged with gg or propane: If used with semiautomatics I could see cycling failures to be common possible occurrence, but no problems if used with a revolver

imo I wouldn't get it, it's out of stock anyway

If you are really looking for a long lasting gun but not expensive as crap to buy gas, just go for springs. They are very inaccurate for distance shots tho.