Author Topic: CRP2  (Read 25439 times)

It would make it much more enjoyable if well being and hunger itself was an option that could be toggled.

Well for some people like me.
If you're worried about having to run to the store every X amount of ticks we're adding fridges which you can store your food in.
Interesting but a lot of these ideas have been around for a while, at least they're finally being implemented.

The company system seems kind of faulty and prone to problems, everything else seems nice though. The evidence and what-not is a nice addition, pictures of new content would be sweet.
The company system will only become more refined as development furthers.
I would post pictures but there's nothing really to show, the only new additions so far that I've added are all done in code and the GUI isn't complete.

or reload a weapon slower if your arm is injured

But... Blockheads have no arms...

Make it a github project please.

Here's my suggestion for a bank robbing system.
If there is a bank brick on a lot nobody will be able to deposit until they sign up for an account,each account requires a deposit box (usually kept in a vault) and will be assigned to each player.If somebody is able to break past the tellers an alarm will go off and basically act like a witness.If they click a deposit box it will say "Take money from (playername)'s deposit box?" /yes or /no
and they will gradually take money from it (maybe higher well being = faster taking?) and also,the other person's account.This will make players take caution in picking out which bank to choose.Also player made banks.

User suggestion.
Can see development.

IF you're making it public, why not. Otherwise, disregard i suppose.

User suggestion.
Can see development.

IF you're making it public, why not. Otherwise, disregard i suppose.
It's not going to be released publicly.

lol just realized the logo is minneapolis

It's not going to be released publicly.
Honestly this is what is holding back many from making amazing things in Blockland, BRV is open source, if anything its one of the first.

Keeping things "Private" is stopping the community from growing.
There is even a post where badspot says that the practice of privatizing addons hurts Blockland.

Its your addon anyways, but if it where open source people could contribute and help out, possibly making this one of the best CRP addons of all time.

Please consider it.

Most add-ons get leaked, it's usually just a matter of time.  Also, what Zero and Badspot said.

Looks like a good mod though, reminds me of iban's 2012 version.

Yeah I don't see the point in having this discussion here to begin with if it's not going to be released. What's the point of even talking about it if we can't have it? So you can direct us to a select few peoples servers who over time will stop hosting the mod? I mean, everything here looks so great, but, it will all be a waste if it's not public. Like, this might aswell just be an advert for you and your buddies servers that you sometimes-but-not-always host.

Yeah I don't see the point in having this discussion here to begin with if it's not going to be released. What's the point of even talking about it if we can't have it? So you can direct us to a select few peoples servers who over time will stop hosting the mod? I mean, everything here looks so great, but, it will all be a waste if it's not public. Like, this might aswell just be an advert for you and your buddies servers that you sometimes-but-not-always host.
That's not true at all. Having this topic allows him to tell people what he plans to put in his mod. People can suggest changes or ideas, which he can implement as he creates the mod.

Yeah I don't see the point in having this discussion here to begin with if it's not going to be released. What's the point of even talking about it if we can't have it? So you can direct us to a select few peoples servers who over time will stop hosting the mod? I mean, everything here looks so great, but, it will all be a waste if it's not public. Like, this might aswell just be an advert for you and your buddies servers that you sometimes-but-not-always host.
I want to get people's inputs on what features they want to see and how they like the new features mentioned in the topic. Not all of the mod is going to be completely private, I'm working on a chunk based saving system that saves bricks as they are edited rather than as a whole which will get a public release.

All forms of services previously provided by the government will now be provided by the players in this new economy system.

It's about time we seceded from the Union.