Author Topic: BangerDanger is trying too hard  (Read 1509 times)

Apparently to BangerDanger, players are nothing but a currency. If you've been on the server list anytime within the last week, you've probably seen my server up usually around the top of the list for players. The title most often goes as "AhemIdkSomething's CityRPG [Open]". Anyway, so I open up blockland and go to the list and see one titled exactly that. A lot of people are hanging out there who typically play on my CityRPG, although it was down earlier they went there instead. When i went on i got multiple people saying "Ahem! Wheres your cityrpg?" or "Hey can you plz host the cityrpg". I said sure, ill host it shortly. I leave to make sure the server has a good enough ping for people to pley on (not at home hosting it atm). I do that, then go back on banger's to see if one of my admins who i needed help with is on there, but to be greeted by this, because apparently answering someones question is hardcore advertising in deserving of a permaban. Look:

Steam convo with the admin i was looking for shortly after:

Im not trying to defend the completely unoriginal name of "CityRPG [Open]" but i AM tempted to believe he did that so when people look for mine they find his.
Discuss. Oh, and nobody wants to hear "CityRPG's suck! A very flawed gamemode u frekn nerds!!"

totally unrelated and useless.
ok then WOW thats so lame and ride of him he should respect you and not be so dense or whatever like totally wow #support4life

this is banger's server; kompresor is one of ahem's admins iirc

Hello.  I am Cromedome, I am the one who banned you.  On a side note, Ahem, you joined the server then started doing nothing but judging Banger's server and comparing it to yours.  Saying how yours was better, and then persisted on rejoining several times to see if anyone wanted to come to yours.  Take your crap down a notch, and re-examine yourself, or let a doctor do it.  Obviously there's something wrong with you.

Hello.  I am Cromedome, I am the one who banned you.  On a side note, Ahem, you joined the server then started doing nothing but judging Banger's server and comparing it to yours.  Saying how yours was better, and then persisted on rejoining several times to see if anyone wanted to come to yours.  Take your crap down a notch, and re-examine yourself, or let a doctor do it.  Obviously there's something wrong with you.
could we get some pictures?

this is banger's server; kompresor is one of ahem's admins iirc
Thanks for that, ill tell him how stupid that was of him.

Hello.  I am Cromedome, I am the one who banned you.  On a side note, Ahem, you joined the server then started doing nothing but judging Banger's server and comparing it to yours.  Saying how yours was better, and then persisted on rejoining several times to see if anyone wanted to come to yours.  Take your crap down a notch, and re-examine yourself, or let a doctor do it.  Obviously there's something wrong with you.

Anyway, no I did not. I went on to see and I said (may be off by a few words) Is this my edit of the mod? Which was a dumb question 'cause i never released it so im not sure why i even asked that. But i did not compare. I did not say anything close to things like "map is bland, needs more work" or "mine is kinda better" however i did ask someone before i spawned "Is this one better than mine?" and someone banned me. Jesus, you're like those crazy feminists in the way where they exaggerate things as if they were the victim.

looks like we have some fact discrepancies, anyone have chatlogs/evidence of blockaium? kompresor's a different story.

I was there but I should've took pictures. I knew stuff was brewing when I heard "Yeah, well. We'll see what others have to say about this..."
That's all I can remember before something about server advertisements and how someone was "thrashing the server"

I was there but I should've took pictures. I knew stuff was brewing when I heard "Yeah, well. We'll see what others have to say about this..."
That's all I can remember before something about server advertisements and how someone was "thrashing the server"
i wasnt hatin' i actually thought the walls were simple but nice. i remember someone saying "others have to say about this" but who was it that said that again? i dont think it was me nor kompresor but at this point im curious

From what I saw it looked like someone by the name of KingAustin. I could be wrong, because he was going around spouting nonsense and I could have gotten the names switched up.

oh, id think thats unrelated because ive never seen him on mine or in console