Author Topic: zedrow - lying once again here we go  (Read 17044 times)


prt scrn? lightshot?

Not only what hillkill said, but I know for a fact Windows computers have a built-in snip tool, cant say the same for macs as I've never had one.

1. press prtscn, its near the scroll lock and f12 buttons.
2. open paint program
3. paste
4. blur out whatever you need to with paintbrush
5. upload

ugh here

looks like you typed it up in word lol

looks like you typed it up in word lol
>doesnt have microsoft word cause i have a macbook

>doesnt have microsoft word cause i have a macbook
>microsoft word is a default program on macbooks

>doesnt have microsoft word cause i have a macbook
Macbooks can still use microsoft word. You would know this if you wanted to get into coding.

I'm also sorry to say that your application for the Blockland Forum has been denied due to lack of response from the "past few mins", failing to tell us about medical issues, both physical and mental, and not meeting the strict requirements to gain entry. We will not be accepting you anytime in the future.

Here is the email from which you did not respond towards.
Hello TheNewZedrow,

Thank you for your interest in the Blockland Forum. I would like to speak with you soon to address any questions you have and discuss your interest in depth. Before we meet, I recommend doing research on the key sections of our website listed below, such as Drama, Theft, and nonsensical Wizardry.

After you have conducted this initial research, please reply to this email with your phone number, time zone, intended term to start spamming and several options for the best days and times to yell at you during the week. We will do my best to accommodate your schedule, and keep you at a safe distance.

Review the "Getting Started" section for the Board you wish to major in.
Review Board offerings using the "Search" tool for the mention of your name in the Drama
Guidelines for Applying to a Forum Self Delete.
Financial Aid for Previously Banned Members.
All the best,

Your Local Blockland Forum

_____________________________ ______________
New User Coach, Blockland Moderation Committee.

_____________________________ _________
(968) 543-5687

The email is different from what you pasted in the topic you made. :/

You really don't have to lie to get peoples attention dude, just be yourself. Unless yourself is just a liar lol.

so lets see

the email you typed out in your original topic is as follows:

Hello Jonathan,

Thank you for your interest in Harvard Extension School. I would like to speak with you soon to address any questions you have and discuss your interest in depth. Before we meet, I recommend doing research on the key sections of our website listed below.

After you have conducted this initial research, please reply to this email with your phone number, time zone, intended term to start courses and several options for the best days and times to reach you during the week. I will do my best to accommodate your schedule.

Review the "Getting Started" section for the program you wish to pursue
Review course offerings using the "Degree Course Search" tool for the program you wish to pursue
Registration Guidelines
Guidelines for Applying to a Degree Program
Financial Aid for Admitted and Non-Admitted students
All the best,

<removed name>
_____________________________ ______________
<removed name>
Enrollment Coach, Harvard Extension School

_____________________________ _________
(617) 547-0638
<removed name>

However, your new image (posting here incase others cant see it from his link)

Is entirely d---dammit count.

But yeah, explain that.

after the funkdaddy Instagram thing and DDOS protection and fake add-ons I suspect he doesn't want to look like a total handicap, so he is trying to make tons of other false claims. He probably thinks if he makes a bunch of bs topics it will looks like they are all a big joke

aka he wants to cover his ass by posting a bunch of intentionally obvious lies after all of his unintentionally obvious lies

>microsoft word is a default program on macbooks
>bitchpls where tf is it then brother
yes ik it can use microsoft word but personally i hate microsoft and stuff but still

Count i think that may be another email they sent me i have like 3 emails idk

so lets see

the email you typed out in your original topic is as follows:

Hello Jonathan,

Thank you for your interest in Harvard Extension School. I would like to speak with you soon to address any questions you have and discuss your interest in depth. Before we meet, I recommend doing research on the key sections of our website listed below.

After you have conducted this initial research, please reply to this email with your phone number, time zone, intended term to start courses and several options for the best days and times to reach you during the week. I will do my best to accommodate your schedule.

Review the "Getting Started" section for the program you wish to pursue
Review course offerings using the "Degree Course Search" tool for the program you wish to pursue
Registration Guidelines
Guidelines for Applying to a Degree Program
Financial Aid for Admitted and Non-Admitted students
All the best,

<removed name>
_____________________________ ______________
<removed name>
Enrollment Coach, Harvard Extension School

_____________________________ _________
(617) 547-0638
<removed name>

However, your new image (posting here incase others cant see it from his link)

Is entirely d---dammit count.

But yeah, explain that.

damnit gmail

the only page related to harvard with the number from the email is this one
switchboard is a subdomain or whatever of whitepages, and if i remember correctly you can easily edit the information on those (or zedrow just looked up "harvard phone number" and took it from here)