Author Topic: Glass - Really Bad host  (Read 8904 times)

Wow notice how most of the people that are against Glass are known problem users. I don't like Glass, but he seems like a decent enough host, he's just a bit on the strict side, but you know how it is with immature people, you gotta be extra tough on them

I meant to say I support Glass lol
/nosupport to this drama

>kind of a richard move
>something that was really minor
>even though the instigators were being complete starfishs.
I dunno if you're new to blockland, but being an starfish is enough of a reason to get you banned... really from anywhere. In fact, real life works that way too! Go to the local library and shout at the librarians, call them whores or something. Just wait until the police show up to escort you out.

Glass has already explained why he force killed him, so I'm not going to repeat what's already been typed.

Seriously, the entire point of this drama is that Daniel was perma'd from glass's server, who loving cares, why would a topic like this from ANY server ever matter? There are literally 100+ servers on average at any given time of day that Daniel can choose from. The only reason people are supporting this topic at all is because it has Glass's name in it.

When has a "I've been banned from X server" EVER been a reasonable drama? It doesn't get you unbanned unless it was an abusive admin, not the host, especially not when you were instigating and ADMIT to it
... you intended to make him angry instead of just killing him.
Finally somebody who knows what i did it for

op is just bad at video games
how can the same guy kill you three times and you dont see it coming a fourth
"revenge ehehehe gonna get em" what a little stuff

He already has a drama he made himself.

You were instigating him, you acted no better than glass in this situation,
Hosts don't have to act professional 24/7. They can have fun and play the game too you know?

Yeah the rules say no traps you dingus.

Noedit:  And unless the spawnroom was updated, I made it so you had to look at all the rules before you were able to spawn.

Maybe I should you hypocritical aussie stuff.

Christ get some anger management.

Christ get some anger management.
his ego's as fragile as glass :cookieMonster:

isn't this thread old and it got bumped by idiots or something