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Author Topic: who here supports gays?  (Read 15979 times)

any new thing in this society whether it be Over Automation of society Artificial intelligence and Human Augmentation followed closely by human integration into technology  and "life eternal"
Not without extensive testing and the support of the people. We're a highly commercial-driven society, so unless the people are willing to buy into a product with their cash, it's not going to happen. Argue that all you want, but the old saying "vote with your wallets" does ring some truth.

will be accepted without taking a step back and looking at ourselves
Going to be honest with you, I'm actually really against true artificial intelligence, because I simply cannot trust the programmers given that they will have human fallacies just like the rest of us.

That doesn't mean I don't think we as a society need to update and advance whenever we have the ability to.

The people who introduce new technology and social trends do so with the best intentions. In terms of human augmentation and LGBT relationships, where's the moral quandary? It only affects those who are in a position to be affected by it. Us "normal" people should have no say in the process because we are able to live our lives just fine regardless of the decisions made.

like this whole thing about loveuality the society doesnt say NO to anything anymore,
Maybe you need to come to Australia. We had about 5 videos games banned for including brown town Probes.

Society should embrace new rules of life as we come to understand more about who we as human beings are. I am big for expression through art, and I absolutely hate censorship (with exceptions). The simple fact is that conservative starfishs like you are too comfortable with a limited understand of the world, and so you want to force everybody into your narrow viewpoint.

they say SURE COME ON IN regardless of what anybody says or does, Leagal marijuana, legal other drugs?, Overloveualization, internet research, and Homoloveuality must all be simply tolerated by those who dont agree,
Once again, how does any of this affect you?

The majority of my friends take drugs. I support them, and I'm happy to watch them do and help them if they need a lighter or whatnot. I myself don't take drugs for reasons, and yet I'm able to peacefully live alongside these guys, both of us happy that we can choose what we want.

Over-loveualisation is another way to say that the world is finally becoming comfortable with the fact that we are very loveual creatures. It's a very difficult topic to talk about though, because it affects many markets (art, clothing, beauty products etc).

Why are you upset with Internet research? Are you just angry that you aren't old enough to polish your pipe yet?

Society is more about pleasure now than what is right and good. Society today is all about me and not about them and there is nothing i can do about it, it puts fear deep in my heart
Then you are blind to the world. I can't help blind people see how the real world works.

Live in your delusion. I'm going to live in reality.

'good' christians (really good people in general; the message is p much to be a good person and spread the goodness) will be tolerant and open-minded but confident in their beliefs while being able to understand and respect others' beliefs and lifestyles. evangelism isn't supposed to be "u bettre com 2 churc or ur gona GO 2 HECKLANDS," it's supposed to be introducing the 'lost' to god so he can work within them (realised this isn't super-relevant after reading over it but w/e eat a but stanley).

thank you for posting this

technology has certainly affected our society more than anything, we here can express these opinions from opposite sides of the globe and chat about any issue and istantly hear 9 people rebut an argument youve made before you have time to say another word, which is amazing.
Don't blame technology for your lack of ability or intelligence.

Like minded people are formed when information is scarce, and now it is less scarce then ever in history, this tends to create deviants, and opens the world up to everyone's opinions this is the reason for society's rapid shift and the standardization of things that people may never have heard of in their entire life if you rewind just 40 or 50 years
This is made of complete and utter bullstuff.

You have no sources and are making completely awful assumptions in order to try and prove a disgusting and incorrect point.

You can go back to an age of racism and loveism if you really like.

technology has certainly affected our society more than anything, we here can express these opinions from opposite sides of the globe and chat about any issue and istantly hear 9 people rebut an argument youve made before you have time to say another word, which is amazing. Like minded people are formed when information is scarce, and now it is less scarce then ever in history, this tends to create deviants, and opens the world up to everyone's opinions this is the reason for society's rapid shift and the standardization of things that people may never have heard of in their entire life if you rewind just 40 or 50 years
and this is absolutely nothing but a good thing. if one blames the readiness of information for a moral decline, their morality is likely in some goofy territory. keeping people ignorant is a bad thing. i don't like to think that there's logical "right" and "wrong" when dealing with morals, but there's certainly "what?"

Thank you for this
don't tell my mom i said those things i'll be grounded again

And this is a load of stuff
"Freedom of Religion" doesn't protect religion from people, it protects people from religion
NO ONE (at least no one reasonable) is trying to force churchs to have to marry same love couples. Churchs should still have the full choice to not marry them, it's the state that can't

If it's to protect people from religion, I would say that it could be failing it's job. People use their religious backgrounds as a basis for which to uphold the ban on gay marriage. They subsquently use their religion to set a moral standard as well.

I support any loveuality and gender

ok, so people can't forget dogs because they can't give consent, why is incest not allowed.

it doesn't matter what unlawful thing i bring up, the want and urge to do something should not make it alright and should not be an argument at all

don't tell my mom i said those things i'll be grounded again
i bet you didn't even ask her permission first to go online you troublemaker

why is incest not allowed.

because that messes up genes lol?

it doesn't matter what unlawful thing i bring up, the want and urge to do something should not make it alright and should not be an argument at all
The want and urge for you to post your opinion doesn't mean it's right.

why is incest not allowed.
Because the children whose lives are going to be horribly messed up due to the gene mutations they'll get can't give consent.

because that messes up genes lol?

Technically, it doesn't brees bad genes out.

The want and urge for you to post your opinion doesn't mean it's right.


because that messes up genes lol?
If you have a kid with your sister or something, and it ends there, it's not gonna be that bad. It's just gonna be a problem if it's something you keep doing in your family. I imagine it's illegal because of religion, too.