
Do you?

116 (55.5%)
52 (24.9%)
18 (8.6%)
23 (11%)

Total Members Voted: 209

Author Topic: who here supports gays?  (Read 15083 times)

don't look at it as a war and don't assume people to be stubbornly set in their beliefs. just put your ideas up there calmly and respectfully and carefully consider everything and it's all funtimes and dasiyys

It was only really a metaphor. The issue of gay marriage really only has two points of view; yes and no. There is no real in between.

Something with multiple outcomes per se would make a better discussion topic for sharing ideas and coming up with new opinions.

it's all a means to an end but the means is what makes it interesting

even if two people hold the same basic belief, their individual reasoning will likely differ. that's where the joosy tendre meet of discussion is....

There is a post in this thread every second I refresh the page, what the hell?
Come on guys calm down.

I am  half okay with it as long as they don't try and do stuff like teaching 3 year olds and 4 year olds about being gay, its their life style, not mine so I generally don't really mind it as long as how said, they don't try and shove their loveuality down your throat.

But then theirs the harassment towards companies for not supporting.
It usually goes something like this:

Asks to support gay rights > company agrees > everything is alright.


Asks to support gay rights > company disagrees > company gets bombarded with protest and boycotts until they change their mind or they get ruined.

That I guess is why many people are against them or downright hate them, or I guess the other reason some people could hate them is because they think its obscene or their extremely religious.

I don't like any humans.

There is a post in this thread every second I refresh the page, what the hell?
Come on guys calm down.

I am  half okay with it as long as they don't try and do stuff like teaching 3 year olds and 4 year olds about being gay, its their life style, not mine so I generally don't really mind it as long as how said, they don't try and shove their loveuality down your throat.
you don't "teach" someone about being gay. it's not a lifestyle it is out of your control. this is backed by scientific evidence, widespread sociological, psychological, and biological studies. but given that 99.9% of gay people say that they didn't choose their loveuality (the rest are guilty "ex-gay" hyper religious people) it'd be ludicrous not to trust it on that alone

But then theirs the harassment towards companies for not supporting.
It usually goes something like this:

Asks to support gay rights > company agrees > everything is alright.


Asks to support gay rights > company disagrees > company gets bombarded with protest and boycotts until they change their mind or they get ruined.
 ??? gay rights activists are certainly not forcing companies to take a side. i know people have boycotted companies for taking a stand against gay marriage. that's entirely within their right and i encourage it. they're not doing anything illegal, they're just withdrawing support for people who support their being legally oppressed.

That I guess is why many people are against them or downright hate them, or I guess the other reason some people could hate them is because they think its obscene or their extremely religious. no it's because they can't tolerate or understand how two men or women could love eachother
responses in bold
I don't like any humans.

here's a good scientific infographic thing

click to see the full thing

reading this topic makes me dislike gays even more

responses in boldedgy
You somehow managed to put me against gays now....


Nope...I guess I just finally made up my mind.

You somehow managed to put me against gays now....
Nah, buddy, you already were.

You somehow managed to put me against gays now....

the way i see it you were already against gay rights. you seemed to have it in your head that they are trying to indoctrinate children and are unfairly boycotting defenseless mom and pop shops :( boo hoo

maybe refute my arguments instead of pulling stupid stuff out of your ass like that

I'll treat them the same way I would treat any other person

Nah, buddy, you already were.
I tried hard to stay away from the thread but couldn't, so I tried to say something that wouldn't cause a stuffstorm.
But I guess it ended up sort of setting one off ( that was extremely not intended on my behalf)

the way i see it you were already against gay rights. you seemed to have it in your head that they are trying to indoctrinate children and are unfairly boycotting defenseless mom and pop shops :( boo hoo

maybe refute my arguments instead of pulling stupid stuff out of your ass like that

Don't have to be so damn hostile.

I'll treat them the same way I would treat any other person

why do you hate everyone so much D;

(just kidding please dont kill me max im sorry)

But yeah, I couldn't care less if someone was banging a dude or banging a chick to put it bluntly. While I'm all for lesbians/gay/whatever having the right to marry, I'm not a person who gets out of their seat to go protest about topics like this, because I prefer to keep my opinions to myself unless directly asked about it.

homoloveuality is wrong!

homoloveuality is wrong!
if bisjac says it, i'm sorry guys but i'm going to have to change sides