Author Topic: daracer64 - Can't take criticism  (Read 26113 times)

Welcome to drama,space I dout they have anything nice to say,space oh well.happy I added spaces?
daracer, comedy isn't your strong suit.

Neither is being intelligent.

daracer64 (BL_ID 4843) is a known twat and is blake1's cousin, daracer should have left the forums alongside is pathetic cousin but refused not to and stayed here to insult people. This person is probably 9 years old and what I find really weird is why he added 2 things that Alternative had said in his signature, Alternative wanted to know why but daracers explanation was "Because its funny!" please point out how the following bellow is funny?  

That is what is in daracer's signature this shows me that he obviously is just a kid, but what he shouldn't be doing is spending his time on these bloody forums and swearing at people you don't even know. This is just another problem user who thinks he is the tough when by swearing at people, if he does this in real life to everyone he knows than someone needs to teach him not to. Go tell his parents to wash his mouth with soap
But soap tastes bad ._. It tastes like, well, soap.

daracer, comedy isn't your strong suit.

Neither is being intelligent.
Your not intelligent either so idk what your talking about

Your not intelligent either so idk what your talking about
sick burn m80

Your not intelligent either so idk what your talking about
Then how does he know what you're to use?

Your not intelligent either so idk what your talking about
jesus christ

Your not intelligent either so idk what your talking about
Job =need= Intelligence
McJob =has= job
McJob therefore has intelligence.

daracer64 has no job
therefore, no intelligence.

daracer64 has no job
therefore, no intelligence.
Maybe I should lend him my McJobless alt  :cookieMonster:

Your not intelligent either so idk what your talking about
This is what I mean, how in loving hell do you know that mcjob is not intelligent? Please think before you speak

I pity the fool that doesn't think before they say clutter about another

Job =need= Intelligence
McJob =has= job
McJob therefore has intelligence.

daracer64 has no job
therefore, no intelligence.

10/10 logic

Job =need= Intelligence
McJob =has= job
McJob therefore has intelligence.

daracer64 has no job
therefore, no intelligence.
Yes,working at McDonald's makes him smart. :cookieMonster:

Welcome to drama,space I dout they have anything nice to say,space oh well.happy I added spaces?
did you just try to annoy me by intentionally degrading yourself

You don't have any evidence to refute that claim.

Hell, McJob has posted plenty of pictures of him working for Ubisoft, so your pathetic stab at an insult is therefore, null.

This is what I mean, how in loving hell do you know that mcjob is not intelligent? Please think before you speak

I pity the fool that doesn't think before they say clutter about another
For the same reason he thinks I'm dumb. I'm not the SMARTEST guy on earth, and my broken phone makes me look more stupid.

my broken phone makes me look more stupid.
No. That's just you making english dumb mistake