Author Topic: JE SUIS CHARLIE: 12 killed at French magazine HQ [UPDATE: TERRORISTS ARE DEAD]  (Read 7841 times)

Were the other muders linked, as:
12 killed at the headquarters,
1 police officer killed the next day,
4 hostages killed in supermarket the day after.

Were the other muders linked, as:
12 killed at the headquarters,
1 police officer killed the next day,
4 hostages killed in supermarket the day after.

Yes all of this was linked, the one who had 15+ hostages in a supermarket was one friends of the two terrorists.
He was also responsible for lady police offer killed last day.

There will be a huge march this Sunday, but people are suspecting another attempt since there will be a lot of people.

Yes all of this was linked, the one who had 15+ hostages in a supermarket was one friends of the two terrorists.
He was also responsible for lady police offer killed last day.

There will be a huge march this Sunday, but people are suspecting another attempt since there will be a lot of people.
I understand.
All of my relatives are French, and all have the 'Je Suis Charlie' profile picture on facebook!

I know they should be punished, but really, public execution? this isn't the roman empire where they crusified almost everyone who acted agianst the laws and government. if people want a civilized country they should stop doing an eye for an eye just because "they started it!" not to mention that if people call their views and actions 5th century like, how does it change if any other person does it? anyways, I'm going to sleep. its one am and I'm not going to stay up all night for some argument with a random guy on the internet, im doing stuff today
I now realize that a public execution would be too much. Hell, maybe any execution would be too much. They could have let them sit in a prison for the rest of their lives. I wasn't really thinking to be honest. It was around 1AM too and I was tired

Isn't one still on the loose?

People on my facebook/tumblr are saying "Je ne suis Charlie" because apparently they deserve to be shot because they're "islamophobic, tribal, loveist, and homophobic"

They're not "newsworthy". People die in the Middle East every day. That doesn't mean it's right, but it's nothing new.

They're not "newsworthy". People die in the Middle East every day. That doesn't mean it's right, but it's nothing new.

Why are people on the internet always trying to defend Islam while it is okay to bash Christianity?

Why are people on the internet always trying to defend Islam while it is okay to bash Christianity?

cultural enrichment!!!!!!!!!!

Why are people on the internet always trying to defend Islam while it is okay to bash Christianity?

Whos defending Islam is this thread? It certainly isn't these jihadwatch reading islamaphobes I'm seeing talking like they're Islamic scholars lmao.

Whos defending Islam is this thread? It certainly isn't these jihadwatch reading islamaphobes I'm seeing talking like they're Islamic scholars lmao.

CIA/Al Queda/Hamas/Hezbollah/Taliban does not represent all muslim

(picture of death toll caused by Christianity compared to Islam)

And then there was a few other quotes showing how Christians bomb stuff too! Hell, sometimes people bash Christianity to defend Islam.

I have nothing against Islam or Christianity, just wondering why the double standard.