Author Topic: [Video] Building a city in x128 speed  (Read 2298 times)

1 hour and 45 minutes into 37 seconds

This will be a Grand theft blocko server that will take me some time to finish, Will be another week or so to finish because of work.

« Last Edit: January 13, 2015, 03:18:52 PM by Daniel.S »

I adore your patience, lol. Good luck on the city!

« Last Edit: January 12, 2015, 08:09:16 PM by Cubed Root »

« Last Edit: January 12, 2015, 09:12:22 PM by Skarm1337 »

I adore your patience, lol. Good luck on the city!
I have no idea what you said but I'm going to say
Thanks xD
« Last Edit: January 13, 2015, 01:45:00 PM by Daniel.S »

Nice video even though it has a bad quality. But but who needs a good quality? It just shows people building big buildings right?
Anyway, I think there are too many big buildings.
I'll be comeing this week on your server to help build some more little houses or apartments, if it'll be up those days.

Nice video even though it has a bad quality. But but who needs a good quality? It just shows people building big buildings right?
Anyway, I think there are too many big buildings.
I'll be comeing this week on your server to help build some more little houses or apartments, if it'll be up those days.
Btw there was only me building, Not many people now in blockland help other people :/, Tomorrow about this time the server will be up (It's up now if you want to come)

Well for some reason i am getting this in my console box
« Last Edit: January 13, 2015, 03:18:05 PM by Daniel.S »

Well for some reason i am getting this in my console box

The game was updated

You must have changed the dedicated server location launcher. its not launching from YOUR blockland, might be launching from an older version of your blockland in a different location.

I feel that the buildings should have more detail. From what I can see they just look like rectangular prisms. Perhaps add some roof variants or add some stuff to the side of the buildings?

Nice video, I don't think I could be able to do all of that in one go. On the other hand the buildings could have some key things to differentiate them and they could be varying degrees of height.

I feel that the buildings should have more detail. From what I can see they just look like rectangular prisms. Perhaps add some roof variants or add some stuff to the side of the buildings?

Do you understand how dumpsters work? Someone needs to empty them and that's the least organized way of doing it. They're literally blocking each other.

Do you understand how dumpsters work? Someone needs to empty them and that's the least organized way of doing it. They're literally blocking each other.
Oh stuff yeah, Lol i really did not notice that for some odd reason, Glad somebody told me xD, Sorry