Author Topic: Does anyone else really dislike school?  (Read 3994 times)

like seriously, ugh.

I don't know what happened over winter break but when school started back up again, I loving HATE it. Even though I have classes with my friends I just don't want to go and waste my time learning about random BS that I will never use.

It just infuriates me. Getting up at a ridiculously early time just to sit around and do stuff I already know, then waddle through the cold and snow hours later to just sit around because school is such a chore that I'm too tired to do anything and I can't go to bed earlier because if I did I definitely wouldn't have any time to do anything.

Maybe I got too used to actually spending my time doing things I thought were worthwhile. It sucks because today is only Monday so I have 3 more days of this garbage before I can actually do something.

People probably have it way worse and I understand that, It just irks me for some reason.

I just sort of feel like i'm wasting my time. Anyone?

people have been hating school since the great depression

People who run the education system have low standards and are entirely focused on education as a product, rather than education as a means to raise children as productive members of society.

for the fact that i get way too much work in science and that my teacher expects way too much of me, yes
i also hate the fact that i have to ride a handicap bus home

does anyone else read all of those weird "guide" books in the that teach you more than the class itself?

The only class I hate is English honors only because I have to read Equus Q-Q

loving differential equations professor was solving something on the board and he got it wrong so he sent us all back home. I hate my classes, only thing i'm here for is a degree in computer science so I can get a respectable job back home. To be honest, most of my colleagues as starfishs as well.

School was actually enjoyable in Japan because it's not so prone to trolls and handicaps as American schools are.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2015, 07:51:29 AM by TrollBoat »

Most of my day is fine aside from immature classmates, the 5:20am wake up, and the walk after lunch to my vocational school.
Other than that all is pretty good, I eat first lunch and such.

my school can be entertaining when my classmates aren't being annoying. like in 7th period today there was a huge fight down the hall. one girl got dragged away by the career readiness lady, one boy was handcuffed, the other kept screaming that he'd kill the other dude. the girl kept yelling "DON'T TOUCH MY CUZ"

but i mainly dread it because i have to deal with getting up early and the forgetin spanish teacher. he's so nosy and always butts in on my conversations, he stares at all the girl's butts, and he acts like he's some supreme leader who knows everything just bc he went to college. other than that, my teachers are chill most of the time.

homework is fundamentally flawed, not to mention there are teachers who use it to teach entire subjects when the teacher's job is to teach it in class and reinforce it with homework

an example of this is how the magic number is supposed to be 10 minutes per class

but the average time taken is about 2 hours

just felt like venting on how handicapped homework is

i really hate school because they expect everybody to excel at literally loving everything
my new world history teacher was angry because i was only taking one honor's class
i also hate it because we get way too much work and this is stuff we will never loving use
homework is fundamentally flawed, not to mention there are teachers who use it to teach entire subjects when the teacher's job is to teach it in class and reinforce it with homework

an example of this is how the magic number is supposed to be 10 minutes per class

but the average time taken is about 2 hours

just felt like venting on how handicapped homework is
school is supposed to be the place for work, not the home which is supposed to be a relaxation place

eh, I think it's just handled really poorly

eg all they teach is how to pass the standardized tests and nothing more

i really hate school because they expect everybody to excel at literally loving everything
my new world history teacher was angry because i was only taking one honor's class
i also hate it because we get way too much work and this is stuff we will never loving use
tbh one honors class isn't great

tbh one honors class isn't great
it's the only honor's class that i wanted to take because i love science

i dont like waking up early and the cigaretteolas
thats it

eg all they teach is how to pass the standardized tests and nothing more
yeah this
i can test really forgetin well, but you ask me anything about spanish or biology or chemistry i couldn't tell you anything