Author Topic: Does anyone else really dislike school?  (Read 3826 times)

Honestly, school feels like a waste imo.
If you have loads of friends, great, theres a reason to be there
But if you really dont, then hm.
I want to drop out because im not learning anything, but i wont cause im a pleb.
But by reading everyones comments, i should still give it a chance? (Im a Freshman)
School is boring and dumb most of the time, but meh, what're you gonna do about it.

focused on education as a product
That's a really great way of putting it!

I'm not enrolled in any form of education right now because I'm emotionally incapable of actually doing anything without my anxiety getting in the way.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2015, 04:57:19 PM by the hacker »

I'm not enrolled in any form of education right now because I'm physically incapable of actually doing anything without my anxiety getting in the way.
you mean mentally, right?

our school doesn't offer computer science but physics is really easy if you just do all the work
Meh, I'm just not that into physics, I guess. I have to work harder, but it's hard for me to do work (see what I did there? My Physics grade hovers around a 85 because of that.

I am very anxious about interacting with other people but I usually just white-knuckle it and participate in debate and classroom speaking frequently. That's probably part of the reason why I have a lot of 'acquaintances' but only a few actual friends whom I speak to on a regular basis.

Looking at it that sounds pretty normal for high school.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2015, 04:58:26 PM by ZombiLoin »

you mean mentally, right?
"Emotionally" would be a better word for it. Fixed.

I love school. I always feel the need to expand my mental capacity.

Not to mention I get bored at home.

school is ok to be honest, sometimes the people arent great but i do my best which is usually b+ to a+

I love school. I always feel the need to expand my mental capacity.

Not to mention I get bored at home.
yeah i like school for this too. i don't talk too that many people at school but i love learning out new things and discussing it (although i don't actually talk in the conservation too much). it's like reading random things on wikipedia expect more credible and less depressing

After High school, you have so much free time in college its not even funny. Im sitting here on break and im still trying to figure out what to do. Your two year basic classes are jokes, the professors mainly just goof off with the classmates and, get this, some tests are open note as long as you take notes.

depends on what college I'm sure

I'm doing a three year game design college course which includes a lot of psychology and art based theory. loving love it.

Not only is the entire college system different to high school, but the teachers are just better at doing their jobs.

I'd like it if students actually got graded on comprehension not willingness waste their childhood doing homework

I'd like it if students actually got graded on comprehension not willingness waste their childhood doing homework
The only way to comprehend is to work. There is no cutting edges, you only get better with practice.

Students do get graded on "comprehension"...

I am defensive of the school system because only now that I've come out of it do I realise that it was not at all a waste of time. During my last year of school I realised that there was absolutely no way that I would understand the content I was learning without firstly leaning and practising all the fundamentals through my whole schooling experience.

In any one subject you learn, no matter how useless you think the content you are being taught is, you must remember that absolutely everything is used somewhere in the world. Everything.

In my case, I learnt the subject maths, and I find myself applying what I once thought was "useless" knowledge with many things I do in life, including scripting on Blockland.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2015, 06:17:23 PM by General »