Author Topic: I just sent this card to someone  (Read 510 times)

I just thought to share

man what a card though

i wish i got cards from people like this

my dream is to fill an envelope with glitter and place a card in it
then seal it
they wont know what hit them

Man! that quality on the 2nd image is so HD that I thought I was looking at a real person!

I put a party poppers string on an envelope and scared the stuff out of my cousin.

i think that's the joke lol

I once made a card like that for the forums

edit: and this one too

« Last Edit: January 14, 2015, 06:16:33 PM by IkeTheGeneric »

my dream is to fill an envelope with glitter and place a card in it
then seal it
they wont know what hit them
Ye, orders are closed though. :*

I also sent him a pizza, but I forgot to pay.
So now, instead of doing a random act of pizza, I "pizza'd" him.
Ugh now he's going to think bad of me.